JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to strive to keep the national manufacturing industry adhered to the principles of the green industry. The green industry principle in question focuses on efficiency and effectiveness of resources and environmental functions that are beneficial to the community.

In an effort to create a green industry, the Ministry of Industry's Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) through the work unit of the Semarang Center for Standardization and Industrial Pollution Prevention Services (BBSPJPPI) carried out Business Gathering activities with the theme BBSPJPPI and Industry Collaboration to create a green industrial community in Semarang.

Head of BSKJI Ministry of Industry Andi Rizaldi said the importance of efforts to encourage the growth of the green industry community. "For this reason, collaboration between governments, industry and educational institutions is needed in accelerating the implementation of the concept of the green industry," Andi said in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, December 2.

Andi hopes that BBSPJPPI Semarang can make a real contribution in line with the Ministry of Industry's programs while still prioritizing innovative, professional, transparent, and accountable services.

"So, the industrial world gets excellent service and integrity," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BBSPJPPI Semarang Sidik Herman stated that he was ready to create the green industry community.

"We are committed to maintaining sustainability and quality of service and are ready to collaborate to become partners for sustainable, independent, and competitive industries in realizing the green industry community," he said.

As a Public Service Agency since 2010, BBSPJPPI has continued to take advantage of business flexibility and carry out a series of innovations to expand the reach of industrial community services. One of them is by realizing new services, such as the Professional Test Organizer (PUP) and the Halal Examining Agency (LPH).

In addition, BBSPJPPI also strengthens competence in order to answer the industrial needs of meeting the Regulation of PermenLHK Number 13 of 2021, namely the readiness of BBSPJPPI to conduct tests for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), especially conducting Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA), Cylinder Gas Audit (CGA), and Response Correlation Audit (RCA) activities.

It is known that BBSPJPPI can currently serve the test, especially for 10 industrial scopes that are required to carry out continuous monitoring of emissions, namely the Rayon, Pulp and/or Paper, Carbon Black, Semen, Pupuk and Amonium Nitrat industries, as well as the Merger of Iron & Steel.

Then, the Oil & Gas Industry, Mining Industry, Thermal Waste Processing, and Thermal Power Plants.

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