JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki admitted that he had recently met with Tokopedia.

The meeting was related to the plan to join TikTok Shop with Tokopedia.

During the meeting, Teten warned Tokopedia to maintain business competition in the country.

"Yesterday I met with Tokopedia, I conveyed that the government's interest is that there should be no more predatory pricing practices, because it will hit MSMEs," Teten told reporters in Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, November 29.

Teten emphasized that companies must respect the national economic development that is being pursued by the government.

He said the government wanted digital economy industry players to start implementing sustainable business models.

Even so, said Teten, the plan to join the two companies could be realized.

Given, both of them are companies that have been listed on the stock exchange or IPO so that companies can buy shares in the capital market.

"Therefore, the government does not need to interfere because both of them are public companies," he said.

Previously reported, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki opened his voice regarding the TikTok Shop plan to resume operations in Indonesia by cooperating with local e-commerce.

Teten assessed that TikTok Shop's great desire to resume operations in the country is inseparable from the large number of consumers accompanied by Indonesia is still an attractive place for investors.

"Yes, it's up to them (to operate again). The point is like my belief, that Indonesia has a strong digital market, really big. Therefore, I am sure that Indonesia is an attractive place for digital economic investors," said Teten when met at the Kemenkop UKM Building, Jakarta, Thursday, November 23.

He added that TikTok had contacted a number of e-commerce in Indonesia, starting from Bukalapak, Tokopedia, and CT Corp.

"What I know is that three e-commerce have been contacted by TikTok. I know it's not from TikTok, it's from those who were contacted. There's Bukalapak, Tokopedia, which I heard CT Corp was also contacted," he said.

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