JAKARTA - Astra Financial and WeLab Sky officially launched a digital bank, namely Bank Saqu, previously known as PT Bank Jasa Jakarta (BJJ) by offering a fairly high deposit interest pocket, which is up to 10 percent per year of the Saku Booster service.

On the other hand, this value is higher when compared to the guarantee interest rate guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) of 4.25 percent.

Meanwhile, several main features of Bank Saqu services include Saku, Busposito, Tabungmatic, Full Prize Mission, and Pocket Booster (Gift Pocket).

Saku Booster is a special pocket to store all cashbacks obtained by customers from transactions using Bank Saqu including Tabungmatic.

With Tabungmatic, customers can get cashback in Saku Booster with a higher interest rate of up to 10 percent per year.

President Director of Bank Jasa Jakarta Leo Koesmanto explained that this offer was one of the advantages possessed by Bank Saqu.

However, this does not automatically make customers receive a profit of 10 percent.

"It's not a 10 percent interest rate, but it's obtained for customer loyalty activities, it doesn't mean I keep it at 10 percent, but it's the interest result obtained from prizes or rewards," Leo said after the launch of Bank Saqu in Jakarta, Monday, November 20.

In addition, the main feature of Bank Saqu's services is the increasing number of people joining Bank Saqu's Busposito products, meaning that customers get an interest rate of up to 7 percent per year.

For information, here are the main types of Bank Saqu deposit products.

For information, Astra acquired BJJ last year with WeLab Sky Limited with a transaction value of 500 million US dollars.

With this acquisition, WeLab and Astra Financial each own 49.56 percent of BJJ shares and become majority shareholders as well as controllers of BJJ.

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