The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of the Batu Mentas Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in Tanjung Pandan City, Belitung Regency.

The construction of the Batu Mentas SPAM aims to support the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN), Bangka Belitung Province, and to increase access to safe drinking water for the surrounding community.

The Province of Bangka Belitung, especially the Tanjung Kelayang area, has been designated as KSPN which is referred to as the new 10 Balis based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 3 of 2016 and Special Economic Zones (KEK) through Government Regulation (PP) Number 6 of 2016.

The provision of piped drinking water services is expected to maintain investor optimism to increase productivity in the tourism sector.

"Infrastructure development at each KSPN is planned in an integrated manner, both regional planning, roads, supply of raw water and clean water, waste management, sanitation, and improvement of population housing through a master plan for infrastructure development," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, November 16.

The construction of the Batu Mentas SPAM itself is a continuation of the infrastructure that has been built by the Sumatra VIII River Basin Center (BBWS), namely in the form of stage 1 work intake along with pumps, transmission networks, and Embung Batu Mentas.

The Ministry of PUPR through the Bangka Belitung Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) also built a processing unit (WTP), reservoirs and the Main Distribution Network (JDU) to support the needs of public drinking water.

The SPAM work has been started since September 29, 2020 and completed in March 2022, which includes the construction of 2 units of concrete water treatment (IPA) with a capacity of 50 liters per second, a reservoir with a capacity of 650 cubic meters, and a reservoir with a capacity of 650 cubic meters.

Next, the HDPE Pipe Distribution Network is 400 millimeters long, 15,000 meters long, the HDPE Pipe Distribution Network is 300 millimeters long, 302 meters long, and the HDPE Pipe Distribution Network is 150 millimeters long, 3,150 meters long.

Then, GIP pipeline crossing work with a diameter of 400 millimeters and supporting buildings, such as pump houses, generator rooms, and electrical substation spaces.

It is known that the infrastructure work budget for the supply of drinking water comes from the APBN worth IDR 74.55 billion.

The IPA development aims to support the fulfillment of raw water needs in Tanjung Pandan with a capacity of 2x50 liters per second.

Meanwhile, the construction of the Batu Mentas SPAM piping network was continued by the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government through the 2022 APBD to provide access to clean water for 300 Home Connections (SR).

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