JAKARTA KISI Asset Management and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) held a literacy and inclusion event entitled "Peluang Gen-Z Achieve Financial Freedom through Mutual Fund Investment" which will be held specifically for Bakrie University students, Faculty of Accountance.
In an increasingly sophisticated and connected era, investing in the capital market has become one of the most promising ways to achieve financial independence.
Therefore, the IDX and KISI Asset Management feel the need to help the younger generation, especially Gen-Z, to understand and take advantage of investment potential in the capital market, precisely in the Mutual Fund to achieve financial freedom.
The event will provide students with the opportunity to understand the basic concepts of investment in the capital market, effective investment strategies, and how to start their journey in the investment world.
Meanwhile, participants will gain valuable insight into how to build a strong investment portfolio and manage risks wisely.
In order to achieve financial inclusion, the IDX and KISI Asset Management will also provide information about various mutual fund investment products available at the KISI Asset Management, as well as how to engage in the Indonesian capital market.
Dinda NM, Senior Sales Instituteional KISI Asset Management said that every investment instrument has its own risk, let's just say that stocks that have a risk of volatility and bonds at the risk of default, mutual funds cannot be separated from these risks.
"That's why in finding investment instruments, don't just focus on wanting to get rich quickly, but you have to know what the financial goals are. So that in product selection it can be in accordance with the timeframe," said Dinda in a statement Saturday, October 28.
Dinda added that in addition to the importance of finding as much information as possible before buying investment instruments, so that they can understand the characteristics of their products so that they can choose products that match the chosen risk profile.
Dinda said the IDX and KISI Asset Management are committed to supporting financial inclusion and investment literacy among students/i, as well as helping them prepare for a brighter financial future.
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