Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed the latest news about the merger of Pelita Air with Citilink Indonesia.

The plan is for Pelita Air Service regular flight licenses to be transferred to Citilink.

Tiko, Kartika's nickname, said that later there would be a business separation between scheduled regular flights of Pelita Air and chartered or chartered leases.

"Yes, it's separated, there are two PTs," he said when met at the St Regis Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 11.

Meanwhile, Tiko continued, Pelita Air's chartered services are still under Pertamina to support its operations.

Yang charter sekarang kan indeed Pertamina punya, bisnis. Jadi itu tetap di Pertamina, karena mereka kan untuk melayani operasi Pertamina yang charter business," ucapnya.

Furthermore, Tiko ensured that this planned merger would also not eliminate the Pelita Air brand in the regular airline industry.

"It's still there, we keep it. Bagus Pelita is good, it's a good brand now," he said.

Tiko said, later after Pelita Air's regular flight business was merged into Citilink, his party also considered that both were included in the Aviation and Tourism Holding, InJourney.

However, Tiko emphasized that the plan to include the two companies is still being discussed.

"So what we are differenting is Pelita, which is regular, not charter. But we are discussing whether it will be in Citilink, or even both of them we will enter it into InJourney," he said.

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