JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) received a Non-Cash state capital participation (PMN) for the 2023 fiscal year.

The PMN is in the form of 14 packages of facilities and infrastructure for biofuel at the location of the fuel oil terminal (TBBM).

In detail, the biofuel tank (BBN) has a capacity of 100 kiloliters (KL) and 500 KL along with pipelines and tank accessories.

"The House of Representatives Commission XI approved PMN Non-cash FY 2023 with a fair value of Rp49,945,989,000 to PT Pertamina," said Deputy Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Fathan when delivering the conclusion of the DPR Commission XI meeting with DJKN, written Thursday, September 21.

Fathan said that this Non-cash PMN was given to Pertamina with the aim of improving the capital structure and increasing business capacity in order to facilitate the distribution of biodiesel and support the realization of the implementation of mandatory biodiesel.

"PT Pertamina optimizes performance in terms of supporting the government in implementing the mixing of biodiesel BBNs distributed throughout Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Pertamina's Finance Director, Emma Srimenjelaskan bahwa 14 sarana dan prasarana tangki BBN tersebut sudah dibangun sejak 2016 dan tersebar di wilayah Sumatra, Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan.

Furthermore, Emma said, this BBN facility began to be handed over from the Ministry of Energy and Human Resources (ESDM) to the company since 2018.

This BBN arena supports Pertamina's operations. Because it is our blundering facility for biosolars. Since 2018 we have operated these 14 tanks," he said.

"On its way, how will this be the government's investment in Pertamina, taking into account Pertamina has competence in oil and gas operations," he continued.

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