JAKARTA - President Director of PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL) Hasmoro bought up his company's shares by disbursing Rp995.89 million or almost Rp1 billion.

Citing information disclosure, Tuesday, September 19, Hasmoro bought HEAL shares of up to 713,900 shares. The purchase is in three transactions.

The first transaction was on September 1, 2023 with a total of 390,200 shares for Rp1,395 per share. He poured Rp544.33 million.

The second transaction was on September 4, 2023 with 37,500 shares for Rp1,395 per share. Hasmoro spent up to Rp52.31 million.

The third transaction was on September 5, 2023, with the amount of shares up to 286,200 shares at a price of Rp1,395 per sheet. He poured funds of up to Rp399.25 million.

The purpose of the transaction is investment. Where, the status of direct share ownership.

Currently, the number of shares and the percentage of share ownership of Hasmoro is 602,029,800 shares or 4.02 percent. Previously, its share ownership was 601,315,900 shares with a share of 4.02 percent.

As is known, heal shares in today's trading, Tuesday, September 19 at 10.39 WIB fell by Rp10 or Rp1,345 per share.

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