Regarding The Policy For The Subsidized Fertilizer Program, The Indonesian Ombudsman Finds A Number Of These Problems
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

The Indonesian Ombudsman found a number of problems in the subsidized fertilizer program policy involving the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and PT Pupuk Indonesia.

This is based on a systematic study conducted by the Ombudsman in 2021 regarding the prevention of maladministration in subsidized fertilizer management and investigations regarding allegations of maladministration in data collection and redeeming subsidized fertilizers using farmer cards in 2022.

"Based on the results of studies and investigations of the Ombudsman, the problems found in the subsidized fertilizer program include the issue of subsidized fertilizer policy goals that are deemed unclear and appropriate, and the criteria for subsidized fertilizer recipient farmers who are also unclear and precise," said Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Bobby Hamzar Rafinus in his written statement, quoted Friday, August 4.

In addition, said Bobby, there are data on recipient farmers who are not accurate, distribution processes that are not on target, and budget planning designs that are less proportional.

He added, regarding the various problems that exist in subsidized fertilizer management, the Ombudsman certainly pays attention to encourage improvement and transformation in subsidized fertilizer policies.

"The Ombudsman involves 34 representative offices in all provinces to participate in overseeing the subsidized fertilizer program, either providing input to the organizers or receiving complaints from the public," he said.

On the same occasion, Member of the Indonesian Ombudsman Yeka Hendra Fatika said, regarding the results of the study and investigation of his own initiative regarding subsidized fertilizers, his party is currently monitoring the implementation of CORrective Actions for related agencies.

According to Yeka, until now the Ministry of Agriculture has been on the track in following up on the Corrective actions of the Indonesian Ombudsman.

In addition, he continued, the Ombudsman asked stakeholders to provide input on the transformation of subsidized fertilizer policies.

"Some of the things we propose in discussing the transformation of subsidized fertilizer policies include setting a more specific goal, namely helping poor farmers, helping the availability of Government Rice Reserves (CBP), increasing regional superior commodity production, and increasing agricultural productivity," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo is optimistic that the workshop held with the Ombudsman and PT Pupuk Indonesia can improve the implementation of subsidized fertilizer policies to be better, faster, and more accurate.

"We certainly hope to find a more accurate system. Thus, from a long time ago we have known how much people in each region must be touched by subsidized fertilizer," he said.

He reminded that not all farmers have the right to receive subsidized fertilizers, but there are criteria and a certain number of requirements. "With accurate data, subsidized fertilizer assistance will be right on target, thereby increasing agricultural productivity," he concluded.

For your information, the Indonesian Ombudsman in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture held a workshop entitled 'Subsidized Fertilizer Policy Transformation' in Sentul, Bogor Regency, on August 3-5, 2023.

This is done in order to encourage improvements in the implementation of public services in the management of subsidized fertilizers.

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