JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir rearranged the composition of the Supervisory Board and the Directors of Peruri.

This change is a strategic step in facing increasingly complex and diverse business challenges amid the swift flow of digitalization.

The reshuffle was through the Decree of the Minister of SOEs Number SK-220/MBU/07/2023 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board of Peruri and Decree of the Minister of SOEs Number SK-220/MBU/07/2023 concerning Dismissal, Changes to the Nomenclature of Positions, Transfer of Tasks, and Appointment of Members of the Directors of Peruri.

During the reshuffle, Fajar Rizki was re-appointed as a member of the Peruri Board of Directors as Director of Finance and Risk Management, after previously serving as Director of Business Development which ended on July 18, 2023 and served as Head of the Finance Division at Peruri.

In addition, Farah Fitria Rahmayanti also joined the Board of Directors of Peruri as Director of Digital Business. Previously, Farah was the Head of the Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of Peruri Digital Business.

The Nomenclature Amendment occurred in the position held by Saiful Bahri, from the previous one named Director of Operations to Director of Currency and Security Solution.

The change in Nomenclature also occurred in the position of Director of Business Development previously filled by Fajar Rizki, to Director of Digital Business which is currently held by Farah Fitria Rahmayanti.

Erick Thohir also appointed new members of the Peruri Supervisory Board, namely Nanik Murwati and Djanurindro Wibowo. At the same time, the Ministry of SOEs honorably dismissed Rudy Salahuddin and Djoko Hendratto as members of the Peruri Supervisory Board.

This copy of the Decree of the Minister of SOEs was read by the Assistant Deputy for Telecommunication and Media Services, YB Priyatmo Hadi through the virtual meeting application.

Peruri President Director Dwina Septiani Wijaya admitted that he was very optimistic about the new composition of the Supervisory Board and the Peruri Board of Directors.

With a variety of strong backgrounds and experiences, he continued, Peruri is ready to face challenges and opportunities in the future.

"We are committed to continuing to increase the value of the company and the trust of our stakeholders," he said, written Tuesday, August 1.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Peruri Company Secretariat, Adi Sunardi, said that changes to the composition of the Supervisory and Board of Directors in Peruri are normal and common in dynamic business organizations.

"One of the goals of this change is to improve governance and ensure the effectiveness of company management and the implementation of sustainable strategies," he said.

The following is the composition of the new Peruri Supervisory Board and Board of Directors:

The composition of the Peruri Supervisory Board:

1. Chairman: Dwi Pranoto

2. Member: Salamat Simanulang

3. Member: Sutanto

4. Member: Nanik Murwati

5. Member: Djanurindro Wibowo

The composition of the Peruri Directors:

1. President Director: Dwina Septiani Wijaya

2. Director of Currency and Security Solution: Saiful Bahri

3. Director of Human Resources, Technology and Information: Gandung A. Murdani

4. Director of Finance and Risk Management: Fajar Rizki

5. Director of Digital Business: Farah Fitria Rahmayanti

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