YOGYAKARTA - Cash flow is an important thing that must be understood by business people or business owners. Cash flow is part of a business financial report, namely the amount of cash that comes in and out within a certain period of time. So what are the types of cash flow?
In a business, the circulation of money will continue to be so important to pay attention to. By understanding cash flow, you can more easily manage your business finances while looking at your business financial condition. It is undeniable that good financial reports will determine the success of a business.
Financial reports greatly affect business operations, ranging from production, distribution, paying employees, and others. Therefore, every business owner must have a balanced or positive cash flow so that his business can run smoothly and develop. There are several types of cash flow that you need to know.
By knowing and understanding cash flow carefully, you can find out whether your business is experiencing growth or losses. Cash flow is also a reference or benchmark for implementing strategies in developing your business.
There are several types of cash flow that must be understood by entrepreneurs or business owners. Distribution of cash flow types can also be distinguished based on activity and difference in revenue. Each type of cash flow has a different calculation method.
Operational cash flow is money to enter and leave business activities. Income can come from the sale of goods or services, services, to loans for business development. Meanwhile, expenditures can be in the form of employee salaries, purchases of raw materials, electricity payments, maintenance and repair of production equipment, to distribution costs.
Financing cash flow consists of cash received from loans and share sales, cash paid as dividends to shareholders, cash used to buy back shares held by outside parties, cash used to pay the principal loan and interest of the company's debt.
Investment cash flow is cash received from the sale of long-lived assets or cash spent on capital expenditures. Capital expenditures can be made up for investment, acquisition, and long-lived asset financing.
Initial cash flow is the amount of cash needed to start a business or business. This type of cash flow is ideally estimated during the business planning stage. Total cash in the initial cash flow can also include loans or investments made in the business.
The cash flow terminal is cash flow at the end of the project. This type of cash flow is calculated after all forms of tax cuts are carried out. It can be called a cash flow terminal is the total net money obtained by the business after releasing assets and paying bill burdens.
Cash flow positif adalah kondisi arus kas perusahaan yang berjalan lancar. Cash flow ini bisa terjadi ketika aset likuid atau kas yang dihasilkan dari operasional bisnis bisa melebihi kas yang dikeluarkan.
Cash flow is negative is an overview of the condition of cash flow that is less smooth or losing money. Cash flow occurs when businesses spend more money than the amount of income.
Those are the types of cash flow reviews that business owners need to understand. Recording and calculating cash flow must be done regularly to find out the financial condition of a business whether it is positive or negative. By understanding cash flow, you can also formulate the right business strategy.
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