JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan noted that there was an increase in the use of avtur type aircraft fuel by around 50 percent in the Kalimantan region during the 2023 Eid holiday.
"The increase is considered reasonable and according to the prognosis that has been calculated by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga," said Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan Arya Yusa Dwicandra in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 27.
Arya said that normal daily consumption of avtur fuel in Kalimantan is 427 kiloliters (kl) per day.
"On D-3 yesterday it increased to 643 kl per day," said Arya.
Even though there was a fairly high increase on D-3 Eid or April 19, 2023, Arya revealed that PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan ensured that the avtur stock was safe and maintained until the return flow later.
"The avtur stock per day has an accumulative endurance of up to 12 days. After the D-3 of Eid yesterday, currently avtur consumption is still below normal with a daily average of 392 kl per day," said Arya.
It is estimated that at the end of April and early May 2023, said Arya, there will be another increase, but not as high as on D-3 yesterday.
Furthermore, Arya stated that as Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Kalimantan Region, he always ensures the availability of energy in the form of fuel, LPG, and other derivative products to the public.
"If you have questions, input, and further information, you can contact Pertamina 135 or through the MyPertamina application," said Arya.
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