JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk collaborated with Waze, a navigation application to initiate complete banking information for travelers during the Eid 2023 period.
Related to this, BRI and Waze provided complete information containing location points between the homecoming route for the western Lampung border to the eastern boundary of Denpasar. In total there are 150 AgentBRILink points, 150 BRI Work Unit points, and 150 BRI ATM points.
When clicking on items in Waze, users will find information about the service, namely the complete address of the location and operating hours. Such as AgentBRILink which operates at 09.00-17.00, BRI ATM which operates 24 hours, and also a limited service BRI Work Unit.
There are also services for BRI Offices on a limited basis for three Eid days, namely on 19 19, 21, and 24 April 2023 in 163 Operational Work Units (UKO) throughout Indonesia. The types of limited operational services in several BRI operational offices include opening savings accounts, deposit account deposits and loans, state revenue deposits, DO BBM/Nonn fuel relief deposits from Pertamina gas stations, and other banking services.
In this regard, BRI Deputy President Director Catur Budi Harto said that the public can use the service for various purposes, including transfer transactions for THR, cash withdrawal transactions, BRI Virtual Account (BRIVA) payments, electricity bills, and other transactions.
The momentum of Eid is something that the community has been waiting for. Therefore, BRI continues to strive to provide the best service for the convenience of customers, one of which is through the collaboration initiative with Waze. It is hoped that this will be able to provide information on the ease of access to BRI banking services, anytime and anywhere more practical", he said.
For information, BRI's total e-channel network as of the end of December 2022 reached 13,863 ATMs, 228,340 EDCs, 8,007 CRMs. In addition to being able to take advantage of ATMs/CRM, people can take advantage of AgentBRILink, which amounts to 627,000 spread across the country.
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