JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation to carry out field verification in order to make recommendations for the establishment of a Limited Prohibited Area (DTT) in Muara Karang, North Jakarta, according to a request from PT Pertamina (Persero).

This is to ensure the safety and security of ship operations.

"This was done in the framework of field verification to make recommendations for the determination of DTT," said the Head of Sub Directorate of Signs and Workshops of the Directorate of Navigation, Yudhonur Setyaji in an official statement, Wednesday, March 8.

Yudho explained that making the DTT recommendation itself was actually the responsibility of the authority of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

However, continued Yudho, in terms of carrying out field verification in order to formulate recommendations in accordance with field conditions, PT Pertamina invited the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation.

"During this visit, we checked and directly observed the related facilities at PT. Pertamina Muara Karang," he said.

The DTT designation itself aims to ensure the safety and security of ship operations in Indonesian waters. With the DTT, it is possible to determine areas where there are ship operational limits so that they can prevent ship accidents.

"It is hoped that this field verification visit will be able to provide accurate and valid information for making recommendations for the determination of DTT in accordance with field conditions," he said.

On a separate occasion, the Director of Navigation Budi Mantoro explained that the determination of DTT is very important to maintain the security of ship operations in Indonesian waters.

"We appreciate PT Pertamina for trying to contribute to the preparation of accurate and valid recommendations," said Budi.

Budi reminded all parties to always comply with the rules that apply to the use of Indonesian waters.

"It is hoped that with the establishment of DTT, ship operations can be carried out more safely and avoid the risk of accidents," he concluded.

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