JAKARTA - The National Airline Association (INACA) in collaboration with Airbus aircraft manufacturers is conducting training for flight crews to be able to recognize and prevent or recover from upset conditions or loss of control in flight.

This activity was packaged through seminars and demonstrations related to Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). The event was held at the Swissotel PIK Hotel, Jakarta on 15 February (introduction) and 22 February (conclusion) 2023.

Meanwhile, demonstration sessions were held at the Lion Group Training Center, Tangerang, Banten on 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 February 2023.

Director General of Civil Aviation, Maria Kristi Endah Murni, appreciated this training event. Maria said, her party had also taken strategic steps to implement and develop UPRT.

Among them are conducting research and development of UPRT-based training systems through PUSLITBANG HUBUD, workshops with Indonesian aviation stakeholders, drafting UPRT advisory circulars, and drafting regulations related to UPRT by ICAO Document 10011 Standards.

Furthermore, Maria emphasized that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation is committed to prioritizing safety and making efforts to mitigate the risk of aviation accidents.

"In the concept of the 2021-2023 National Aviation Safety Plan, Indonesia places LOC-I as a High-Risk Category in aviation", said Maria in her remarks which were read out by the Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations (DKPPU) Capt. M Mauluddin, Thursday, February 16.

As is known, the event of loss of control in flight or LOC-I (Loss of Control In-flight) is one of the factors causing aircraft accidents. Even for light aircraft, LOC-I is the second-highest cause of aircraft accidents.

On the same occasion, the Chairperson of INACA, Denon Prawiraatmadja said that this seminar and demonstration was the support of INACA and Airbus in developing the quality of human resources (HR) in the field of aviation to improve flight safety in Indonesia.

Apart from that, said Denon, it is also to support preparations for the full implementation of UPRT in Indonesia which is currently being prepared by the team from DKPPU.

"We all know that aviation safety is the main thing in flight operations which affects all aspects of aviation, including the aviation business. Even the aviation business is often referred to as the safety business", he said.

According to Denon, the higher the level of flight safety, the higher the confidence of passengers to fly. Thus the aviation business will also develop.

Meanwhile, Airbus representatives in Southeast Asia stated that currently, the number of aircraft accidents has decreased significantly compared to several decades ago. However, that does not mean there are no more accidents. Therefore, mitigation efforts to minimize aviation accidents really need to be done.

One of them is through this UPRT training which combines theoretical sessions through seminars and practice in aircraft simulators to provide maximum benefits for the airline community in Indonesia. This collaborative approach is key to further enhancing aviation safety.

For information, this seminar and demonstration event is a continuation of the UPRT workshop organized by INACA in collaboration with Airbus on February, 7 and 14 2022.

This seminar was attended by 124 pilots from various types of ratings. As for the demonstration in the simulator, it was attended by 40 pilots with the Airbus type rating from various airlines.

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