YOGYAKARTA - Before much discussing the character of an entrepreneur, have you worked nine to night for years? But you feel like you have stopped growing.

You thank the people who helped you grow, but you want to use your skills in your own business. You know that you have entrepreneurial characteristics, but you may not know where to start.

Starting a company can intimidate. You may need to take a loan, rent out commercial properties, or hire staff. The details can be extraordinary.

That said, the right people will develop in this environment. They have the entrepreneurial spirit needed to make it happen. They will feel more peaceful running their own company than working in the office.

What are entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs are passionate and innovative people who create new businesses. Their business does not need to rediscover wheels, your favorite environmental cafe is business as well, but entrepreneurial mindset is needed to realize their idea.

Entrepreneurship is about pursuing opportunities. It's about finding areas to provide new services or products that the public may need. It's also about taking the initiative to realize your idea.

For example, in the 1970s, Steve Jobs noticed that computers are very popular with hobbyists but cannot be accessed by consumers in general. He sees a market that has not been utilized with great potential, he only needs to make products that are user-friendly. From Apple's 1 computer to his penis, he did that. His company is one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

In essence, entrepreneurs are individuals who start businesses. However, at a deeper level, they are also innovating people. They see challenges and think of creative ways to overcome them. They have the desire to get off track. Entrepreneurs fill the community with new ideas and continue to refresh and revitalize the old ones.

When we think of an entrepreneur, we may think of big names like Henry Ford or Bill Gates. But you don't need to find a Fortune 500 company to walk in their position. On the other hand, it's about a mindset. Someone who starts a business feels comfortable with discomfort. They value their independence, and they plan for the future.


Entrepreneurs are basically motivated. After all, they spend hours starting their business and investing large amounts of money - sometimes everything they have - to pursue their dreams. They do all of this by knowing that it will take months or even years for them to possibly reap the results of their work. And despite their hard work, they know that there is a possibility that their enthusiasm and entrepreneurship efforts will not be appreciated for the success of the material. But they refuse to give up on fear of failure. So, strong motivation, not to mention the focus of steel, is needed to survive long-term efforts.


Excise is another characteristic of entrepreneurs. While a good salary at the end of the tunnel is good for motivation, successful entrepreneurs tend to be more motivated by the desire for their offerings as well as by the desire to make a difference. This approach or push also helps maintain entrepreneurs during a period where despair may arise by itself.

Get rid of it

The best entrepreneurs have a vision of what they want to achieve, how they can achieve their goals, and who they need to achieve their goals. Their goal-oriented vision is to act like a compass that directs them toward opportunities that others may not have found. They also have the ability to translate their vision in a way that staff and investors can understand. Through network opportunities, entrepreneurs can find people they want to align with.


Without self-confidence or confidence, entrepreneurs are unlikely to succeed. They must be confident both in themselves and in the products or services they sell. If they believe in themselves, they will have the ability to stay on track regardless of difficulty or despair. Get it. They also dare to take the risk of feuding, they believe that they will succeed.

Decree making

Being able to make decisions quickly is an important characteristic for entrepreneurs because it can be a difference between success and failure. Successful entrepreneurs not only need to have good decision-making skills, but must also have the ability to make decisions quickly so they don't lose chances. This requires quick consideration of the facts and then decide.

Can everyone become an entrepreneur?

Yes! But not everyone should be an entrepreneur. Special mindset and determination are needed to become successful entrepreneurs. Some entrepreneurs may also need education or a certain level of experience.

What makes the entrepreneur successful?

As you can see, there must be some characteristics and main characteristics of entrepreneurship. As a leader in your company, you can use these traits to perform your tasks more capablely and confidently. Whether a businessman is born or created, it turns out, is not the main consideration. What is really important is that the leaders oversee or develop the characteristics and skills that excel from an entrepreneur.

So after knowing the character of an entrepreneur, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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