In order to encourage the implementation of the Program for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN), the P3DN National Team Working Group has just held a Working Meeting of the P3DN National Team Working Group in Jakarta, on Monday, December 12.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) invites all members of the working group of the national team for the program to increase the use of domestic products (P3DN) to consistently implement this strategic program, especially for the procurement of goods and services by the government.

The Ministry of Industry also assesses the need for synergistic performance steps between ministries and related institutions in order to optimize the use of domestic products.

"One of them is through business matching activities as an effort to bring together supply and demand in government procurement," said Inspector General of the Ministry of Industry, Masrokhan, in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 13.

Through the implementation of several business matchings for domestic product spending, the government's target for domestic product spending worth IDR 400 trillion has been exceeded.

This is also supported by related regulations, especially to facilitate and accelerate the entry of domestic products in the procurement of government goods and services.

"Currently, a Minister of Industry Regulation Number 43 of 2022 concerning Procedures for the Appointment of Independent Verification Institutions (LVI) has been stipulated," said Masrokhan.

Not only that, to encourage the facilitation of domestic content-level certificates (TKDN) for small industries, the Ministry of Industry has also stipulated Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating the Domestic Component Level for Small Industry.

"This regulation is intended to provide convenience and speed of the TKDN certification process for Small Industries, which is of course free of charge and can be printed independently," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Center for Optimizing the Utilization of Industrial Technology and Industrial Services Policy at the Ministry of Industry, Heru Kustanto, said that the discussion of the national team's Working Program was divided into three panel discussion rooms, namely the TKDN Working Group Panel Discussion, Socialization, and Monitoring.

"From the results of the P3DN National Working Group Working Meeting, three priority programs were appointed to encourage the use of domestic products. The first priority program is related to monitoring the TKDN certification process," he said.

In addition, the TKDN Working Group also pays more attention to the consistency of the value, as well as the sustainability of the TKDN certificate, including the falsification of the TKDN value in the procurement of government service goods.

"We will ensure that TKDN certified products will have consistency and standards to maintain the trust of users, both Ministries, Institutions, BUMN, and BUMDs," said Heru.

Program prioritas kedua adalah sosialisasi ketentuan dan praktik penggunaan produk dalam negeri. Tidak hanya menyasar pengguna produk dalam negeri, namun juga kepada masyarakat umum.

The last priority program is related to monitoring the overall procurement of goods, both within the Central Government, Regional Government, and BUMN/BUMD.

Caption: Inspector General of the Ministry of Industry, Masrokhan. Photo: Doc. Ministry of Industry

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