JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapanas) submitted a loan of IDR 3 trillion to the Ministry of Finance. The funds are for Perum Bulog Rp1 trillion and ID FOOD Rp2 trillion in carrying out its duties in accordance with Presidential Decree number 125 of 2022 concerning government food reserves (CPP). The government ensures that it will immediately implement Presidential Decree number 125 of 2022 concerning CPP. Through this Presidential Decree, the government has the authority to control and manage food supplies included in the CPP.

The CPP includes rice, corn, soybeans, onions, chilies, poultry meat, poultry eggs, packaged sugar meat, cooking oil and fish. The first stage of organizing this CPP is carried out for the types of rice, corn and soybean commodities that will be managed by Perum Bulog. Meanwhile, other food is managed by Food SOE Holding, ID FOOD. Head of Bapanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said that his party was intensely communicating with the Ministry of Finance to formulate the amount of the budget to be given to Bulog and ID FOOD. According to him, it is not finished and is still in the finalization stage. "Until the end of 2022, we proposed Rp1 trillion for Bulog to start rice, corn, and soybeans. Then with interest subsidies of around 4.75 percent from the Ministry of Finance so that later it can compete for trading," he said in a meeting with Commission IV, Wednesday, November 16.

Dalam proses koordinasi dengan Kementerian Keuangan, kata Arief, langkah terakhir adalah menentukan kesepakatan di antara perusahaan-perusahaan (B-to-B). Nantinya dari situ akan diberikan bantuan subsidi bunga dari Himbara kepada Bulog dan ID FOOD. Lebih lanjut, Arief menjelaskan untuk ID FOOD pihaknya mengusulkan anggaran Rp2 triliun. Anggaran tersebut untuk menjalankan tugasian yang diberikan yakni mengelola komoditas pangan seperti onion red, onion babi, chili merah, chili cayenne pepper merah, daging ruminansia, daging chicken, eggs hingga sugar konsumsi. "Kami harapkan bisa mendapat Rp2 triliun. Jadi ini bukan PMN ini adalah pinjaman dengan dana murah," ujar Arief.

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