PT PLN (Persero) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) related to the transformation of the global power system (G-PST) with The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory on the COP27 agenda in Sharm El Syeikh, Egypt.

The signing was carried out by the Director of Transmission and System Planning of PLN, Evy Haryadi and the Pricipal Investigator of The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Tim Reber, and witnessed directly by the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo.

The MoU of PLN with the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory includes several important things, namely strengthening the energy sector in terms of operating systems and transmitting electricity, integration of renewable energy into power networks, advancing the transition to a modern electrical operation system.

Darmawan said that this collaboration will create synergies that are useful for strengthening the electricity sector, especially in supporting the energy transition. This needs to be prepared because the EBT plant is intermittent in nature so that the electricity supply process is not continuously available due to external factors that cannot be controlled, for example the loss of sunlight due to cloud cover.

"The commitment to achieve net zero emissions in 2060 encourages PLN to aggressively increase the capacity of new and renewable energy (EBT). With the characteristics of the EBT generator intermittent, we need to build a qualified technology capacity to operate the system," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, November 10.

He further added that both parties will also discuss the determination of regulations, development of related training and education, support for facilities and technology, strengthening electricity system planning and analysis, and developing innovation or national collaboration.

"Today we are working with the Global Power System Transformation, joining world electricity developers such as CAISO, AEMO, to ERCOT. This means that we are currently at the forefront of the accumulation of knowledge, engineering, skills, and electrical technology," he added.

He added that in the energy transition process, PLN needs to transform and learn new competency and skills to face challenges in the future. So he hopes that this MoU can be translated into concrete operations in the field.

"In this MoU, we will jointly review the use of the latest technology in the electricity sector. We will also provide training for employees so that they are ready to face all challenges," he added.

With this memorandum of understanding, he emphasized the importance of joint collaboration in encouraging energy transition.

"This collaboration opens our eyes that the energy transition cannot be carried out individually. The only way is through collaboration," concluded Darmawan.

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