JAKARTA - PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya as DKI Jakarta's BUMD Food held the signing of a cooperation agreement with Tulip Taibah International regarding the export of "Naktl Aromatic Indonesian Rice" to Saudi Arabia, in the Main Meeting Room of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Thursday, September 22.

Also attending the event was the Marketing Director of Tulip Taibah International Said Sulaiman Aljaidi, along with the full line of Directors and Commissioners of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya.

President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya Pamrihadi Wiraryo said this meeting discussed business mechanisms such as the composition of rice to be used and the mechanism for export requirements that must be met by both parties.

"We and representatives of Tulip Taibah International discussed the appropriate composition of rice and the export mechanism to be carried out," said Pamrihadi, in a written statement, quoted Friday, September 23.

After the signing, representatives of Tulip Taibah International visited the Cipinang Rice Plant, which is a production and warehousing location owned by PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya.

Marketing Director of Tulip Taibah International, Said Sulaiman Aljaidi, said that under this cooperation agreement, he had ordered rice for the first shipment.

"We have ordered 3 PO containers, where 1 container contains 19 tons, the total number of shipments is 57 tons and we will also develop cooperation opportunities with other commodities to be exported to Saudi Arabia," he said.

Pamrihadi added, this cooperation agreement is the second cooperation agreement, because previously Food Station has collaborated with Al Raqeeb Universal Group to export Yasamin brand rice.

"Hopefully, through this cooperation agreement, exports can be realized," explained Pamrihadi.

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