JAKARTA – This weekend, Friday, September 16, 2022, is the agenda for the last meeting of the G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) after holding three previous meetings in January, March, and June 2022.

During the meeting, it was agreed that deliverables (works) in the form of a blueprint to increase financing and investment development for infrastructure development activities were agreed upon.

Head of the Communication and Information Services Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Rahayu Puspasari, said IWG has six main agendas, namely sustainable infrastructure investment, social inclusion, and regional inequality.

Then, post-pandemic transformative infrastructure, indicators of Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII), digital infrastructure and InfraTech, and governance of the Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub).

"This document is expected to be an input for G20 member countries in encouraging digitalized and quality infrastructure investment", she said in an official statement on Friday, September 16.

According to Rahayu, the completion of the deliverables from all the main agendas in the infrastructure sector of the Indonesian Presidency at the G20 for the 2022 period is the result of good cooperation with member countries and various international organizations.

It is stated that although it is non-binding and voluntary, the deliverables are expected to be implemented in member countries and provide tangible contributions and benefits.

"If it is successfully realized, the goal of achieving the G20 common goal, Recover Together Recover Stronger, can be more relevant", she said.

Rahayu added that this effort is also a commitment from the next presidency which is held by India according to the priorities and agenda of the next meeting.

To note, the finalization of the G20 agenda deliverables in the infrastructure sector will be officially approved at the Minister of Finance and Central Bank (FMCBG) Forum at next October meeting.

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