JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the government plans to spend IDR 3,041.7 trillion in the 2023 State Budget Bill. This figure includes central government expenditures of IDR 2,230 trillion, as well as transfers to the regions of IDR 811.7 trillion.

Then, the health budget is planned at IDR 169.8 trillion, or 5.6 percent of state spending.

"The budget will be directed at continuing the handling of the pandemic, reforming the health system, accelerating stunting reduction and the sustainability of the JKN program", he said on Tuesday, December 16.

Meanwhile, the social protection budget is allocated IDR 479.1 trillion to help the poor and vulnerable meet their basic needs, and in the long term is expected to be able to cut the chain of poverty.

"In line with this, social protection program reforms are directed at improving the recipient database through the development of Social Economic Registration (Regsosek) data, improving lifelong and adaptive social protection, targeted and targeted beneficiary-based subsidies, and accelerating the elimination of extreme poverty. he said.

Then, to increase the productivity and quality of human resources, an education budget of IDR 608.3 trillion has been prepared.

Furthermore, the government is also committed to strengthening investment in education, among others by supporting the expansion of scholarship programs, advancing culture, strengthening world-class universities, and developing research and innovation.

Infrastructure development is budgeted at IDR 392 trillion, which is directed at supporting strengthening the provision of basic services, supporting increased productivity through connectivity and mobility infrastructure, providing affordable, reliable energy and food infrastructure, and paying attention to environmental aspects, as well as equitable infrastructure and ICT access.

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