JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir expressed his gratitude for the contribution of Muhammad Zainul Majdi or Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) while serving as Deputy President Commissioner (Wakomut) of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Even though it took less than a year, Erick assessed that TGB had taken sides with the Islamic economy.

"Today, I received the resignation letter of Mr. Guru Bajang, of course I am very grateful for his efforts in supervising BSI so that it remains on the path that has been set," Erick said in his statement, Saturday, August 6.

Erick said that TGB is one of the figures who has long experience in Islamic economics, such as overseeing the conversion of Bank NTB into a Sharia NTB bank to supporting the process of forming a merger of Islamic BUMN banks into BSI.

Even though he is no longer serving as a Commissioner of BSI, Erick believes that TGB is still open to contribute to the progress of the sharia economy.

"Of course we are very open in accepting all inputs in our efforts to support the progress of the sharia economy and the domestic halal industry, including from Tuan Guru Bajang," said Erick.

For the record, the former Governor of NTB was inaugurated as Deputy President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of BSI at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on August 24, 2021. TGB was then inaugurated with Adiwarman Azwar Karim who was appointed as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of BSI.

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