JAKARTA - PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya ensures that the cooperation that has been established with various partners in the rice production center area is going well. Regarding this matter, Director of Operations & Business Andre Maulana and Head of Commercial Division Endang Sundhara visited the Sumber Makmur Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) of Sumber Makmur, Maos Kidul Village, Maos District, Cilacap Regency, last Friday, July 23.

The collaboration between Food Station and the Sumber Makmur Gapoktan has been running since 2019. The collaboration is carried out on an area of 1,200 ha with rice varieties IR 46, Mentik Wangi and Muncul.

Through this partnership, Food Station will receive 6,840,000 kg of Harvested Dry Grain annually.

"Gapoktan Sumber Makmur happens to be harvesting rice of the IR64 variety, the results of which we will use as raw materials, that's why we held a visit. As an old partner, we interpret this visit as a gathering and at the same time want to ensure the quality and smooth supply of rice production that will be sent to Cipinang," said Andre, in his written statement, quoted Monday, July 25.

According to him, the cooperation carried out with partners in various regions aims to increase the benefits of the economy in Jakarta. Andre hopes that the cooperation that has been established can continue and improve.

"This is so that farmers become more prosperous and we can continue to carry out our duties to maintain food security in the capital city," he said while enjoying a cup of tubruk nasgitel tea and gethuk typical of Cilacap.

The chairman of the Cilacap Regency Gapoktan Association, Sahroni, welcomed the visit made by the Food Station.

"The farmers are proud, happy and really appreciate this visit. I am very happy for your presence to see the farmers' harvesting process here," he said.

After visiting Cilacap, the Food Station moves to the next visit to the CV Delima Farming Office which is located in the village of Lamongan Kab. Purbalingga to meet with the management of the Gapoktan assisted by Delima Farming and member of the Commission II DPRD H. Ahmad Sa'bani, Purbalingga Regency, who is concerned about agricultural development in their area.

Furthermore, Food Station continued the signing of a Business Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Business Partners of Delima Farming in Purbalingga Regency for the supply of premium rice raw materials and special rice. After that, the event continued with an exploration of cooperation with Perumda Puspahastama Purbalingga, which is a BUMD Purbalingga.

Guided by the President Director of BUMD Puspahastama Sri Wahyuni, the Food Station had the opportunity to see the rice production facilities managed by the company.

For your information, apart from owning a rice processing facility, this BUMD from Purbalingga also has a marketing business line for Purbalingga specialty coffee grown on the slopes of Mount Slamet.

"Meeting with CV Delima Farming and Perumda Puspahastama, we explored possible collaborations for each party. Hopefully this collaboration can be realized for the common good, especially for the farmers in Purbalingga," explained Andre while tasting the resulting Purbalingga Arabica coffee. by farmers on the slopes of Mount Slamet.

Separately, President Director of PT Food Station Tjipininang Jaya Pamrihadi Wiraryo said the cooperation between Food Station and Gapoktan Sumber Makmur Cilacap is a continuation of cooperation between regions in the form of fair collaboration.

"This collaboration with the Sumber Makmur Gapoktan is our effort to ensure the availability of rice supplies for Jakarta residents and also revive trade between regions according to the mandate of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan," he said.

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