JAKARTA - The spike in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has yet to be contained, as evidenced by the average daily addition of new cases in the past week which was recorded at more than 2,500 cases.

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that in Indonesia the percentage of the distribution of these two subvariants reached 80 percent. Even the distribution rate in DKI Jakarta reaches 100 percent.

This spike in cases is suspected by the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants which are more infectious than the previous variants because they attach more easily to human cells, and are able to evade immune cells in the body. This subvariance can also affect the results of the PCR test because it contains a genetic change in the breakup of the S gene.

Quoted from the website kemkes.go.id, dr. Mohammad Syahril, Sp.P, MPH as Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Health said that the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants have the possibility of spreading faster than the previous Omicron subvariants, namely BA.1 and BA.2.

The public is expected to be aware of immune escape, which is a condition in which a person's immunity has the possibility of escaping immune protection due to exposure or infection with Omicron variants.

Another thing that can expand the transmission of this subvariant is the implementation of the prokes which is getting more lax and the number of events that invite a mass audience to gather.

Secretary General of the World Health Organization WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a press conference held Tuesday, July 12, said that COVID-19 was still declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). So, it must be anticipated by the state and the international community.

So what is the shield to prevent getting infected with the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants?

The most important thing is to prevent this virus from entering the body by keeping hands and nose clean, which are the entrances for the virus to enter the body, especially the lungs.

The good news is that there is now a technology that can kill viruses in the nasal cavity, namely Enovid nose sanitizer developed by Sanotize, a global pharmaceutical company from Canada. Enovid is a portable medical device that is easy to carry everywhere, very capable of protecting yourself from various viruses anywhere and anytime.

Enovid produces fresh nitric oxide which when sprayed into the nose will act as a barrier and virus killer, preventing the incubation and spread of the virus to the lungs.

Enovid has passed phase 3 clinical trials conducted on COVID-19 patients who are at increased risk of disease, unvaccinated patients, patients in the middle and older age group and patients with comorbidities.

As a result, the average COVID-19 recovery time for patients given Enovid was 4 days compared to 8 days in the placebo group (not given Enovid). The use of Enovid is safe and well tolerated by patients.

In Indonesia, Enovid was imported by PT Laniros Dian Pharma after obtaining a distribution permit for External Medical Devices (AKL) from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

"We present Enovid in Indonesia so that it can be easily accessed by the public so that it can help overcome Covid-19 in Indonesia," said Elisabeth Paulus, Director of PT Laniros Dian Pharma in a statement, Wednesday, July 13.

"People are tired of staying at home, mobility is also needed so that the wheels of the economy can move again. Enovid can accompany activities that require us to meet many people," he added.

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