JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono inaugurated Indonesia Water Warrior (IWW) today, Saturday, September 21.

IWW is a youth community that actively faces global water and climate challenges. In fact, he said, IWW will act as a hub for 1,100 water communities in Indonesia.

Basuki said, to support this community, he had ordered the Directorate General of Water Resources to allocate a number of budgets for the preservation of river flows through the River Basin Center (BWS) in each area.

"Later, I will finally order the Director General of Water Resources to allocate a special budget as an implementation of this water flood, which will be carried out by the water community community community community," said Basuki in Jakarta, Saturday, September 21.

This budget will be channeled through Balai Wilyah Sungai (BWS) with an amount of IDR 5 billion per river.

"About Rp. 5 billion per river," he added.

The rivers that will be a priority for financing are large rivers with the worst level of waste pollution, such as in the islands of Java and Bali.

"We prioritize the worst, especially in Java, then in Bali. We will also prioritize it to preserve the river," continued Basuki. Basuki said that the budget for the cleanliness of this river has actually begun to be budgeted this year but in a small amount. He also ensured that he would ask the Director General to increase the budget starting next year.

"Actually, now it's started, but it's small. Next year I'll ask for more," said Basuki

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