JAKARTA - The number of stock investors in Indonesia continues to grow. Based on data from the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), the number has reached more than 4 million as of the end of semester I-2022.

KSEI President Director Uriep Budhi Prasetyo said the record rose 15.96 percent from the position at the end of 2021 with 3.45 million investors. Of that amount, most or 99.79 percent are local individual investors.

"The growth in the number of stock investors is a sign of the achievement of the Indonesian capital market. The number of local investors that continues to increase significantly, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, is a sign that the Indonesian people are increasingly aware of the importance of investing and making the capital market an alternative to investing," Uriep said in his statement, quoted Tuesday, July 12.

From this data, some interesting notes are that investors under the age of 40 or gen z and millennials dominate the total number of investors. The portion reached 81.64 percent with an asset value of Rp144.07 trillion.

In more detail, as many as 60.45 percent of the total investors work as private employees, civil servants, teachers and students, with an asset value of IDR 358.53 trillion.

Meanwhile, demographic data shows that stock investors are still concentrated in Java, which is 69.59 percent, including 13.97 percent of investors who are domiciled in DKI Jakarta with an asset value of IDR 3,772.32 trillion.

Uriep explained, apart from the good synergy between Self Regulatory Organizations (SROs) and capital market players, more than 95 percent of the increase in the number of local investors was due to the ease of opening accounts online which greatly helped the public to become investors in the capital market.

"Supported by the development of infrastructure such as AKSES and EASY, it will make it easier for investors to carry out activities in the Indonesian capital market," said Uriep.

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