JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, asked the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) to increase the speed and accuracy of information related to climate and weather to improve national transportation safety.

"BMKG's support is very important in providing weather early warning information. If this information can be obtained in real-time, quickly and accurately, it is expected to improve transportation safety between regions, between islands, and between countries", said Budi Karya as quoted by Antara, Monday.

Budi said, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic, global warming is one of the challenges that must be faced because it is one of the factors causing natural disasters.

According to him, with the uncertain climate change due to global warming, weather forecasts with higher accuracy are needed.

Responding to the issue of global warming, Budi admitted that he had prepared policies and mitigation actions through the provision of sustainable transportation.

"Development of transportation infrastructure is directed at electric vehicles, green ports and airports, and electric trains. It is hoped that the air quality will be cleaner and also environmentally friendly", he said.

In addition, several efforts have also been made by the Ministry of Transportation together with BMKG and related stakeholders to improve the reliability of weather information services in the transportation sector.

For example, in the air sector, there is already SIAM, or System of Indonesian Aviation which provides various latest weather information on one platform.

Then in the marine sector, a New Generation Warning Receiver System has been installed which is useful in accelerating the detection and delivery of earthquake and tsunami information, as well as Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) equipment that helps monitor shipping traffic.

"In the future, it is necessary to continue to develop standardization and integration of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (MKG) data, according to the needs of each mode of transportation", he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of BMKG, Dwikorita, said his party would continue to improve the capacity of BMKG human resources to provide excellent MKG information services.

"We will continue to build and maintain public trust through the provision of reliable and trustworthy MKG services through the use of information technology", said Dwikorita.

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