JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimsus) of the Papua Police together with the Papuan Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and MSMEs (Disperindagkop) carried out monitoring to check the availability of cooking oil at distributors in the Jayapura area, Tuesday, March 15 yesterday. The activity directly told Antara, Tuesday in Jayapura, admitting that from monitoring carried out at three of the six cooking oil distributors, it was revealed that supplies were still there.

"Indeed, the number is not large because the distributor quota is also reduced compared to 2021, but overall it is still sufficient for the next week," he said, as reported by Antara.

Although there has been a reduction in shipments, until now cooking oil is still available in shops, especially around Jayapura City at a price of Rp. 14,000/liter.

"From the report received, it was revealed that the price of cooking oil in Papua is the highest in the central mountainous region, reaching Rp. 35,000/liter," said Kombes Rico.

One of Andre's cooking oil distributors admitted that the supply of cooking oil he received was significantly lower than usual. Currently, the supply of cooking oil is around 58 thousand liters and every week we get one container which is usually more than 10 containers a month, Andre admitted.

Several residents of Jayapura City admitted that they had difficulty getting certain brands of cooking oil, such as special types of Bimoli and Filma.

"On average, the cooking oil sold is brand new that we have never used," admitted Martha, who was met shopping at one of the shops in Jayapura City.

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