JAKARTA - Bambang Trihatmojo's attorney, Hardjuno Wiwoho hopes that PT Tata Insani Mukti (TIM) can join in requesting the right to collect from the government for the 1997 Sea Games.

"We really hope that later PT TIM can join forces to solve this case, because there is no point in PT TIM fighting us. On the one hand, this matter has passed and on the other hand PT TIM is the legal subject of the Sea Games Organizing Partner Consortium (KMP)," said Hardjuno in his statement, quoted Monday, March 14.

Hardjuno said this after inaugurating the Wardhana Wiwoho & Partners Law Office on Jln HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng, Jakarta, Sunday, March 13. Hardjuno said, in the first lawsuit in the South Jakarta court, his party claimed to have won against PT TIM regarding who was responsible and the van dading deed (a peace agreement letter) was issued in which PT TIM admitted that Bambang Trihatmodjo had spent Rp. 156 billion.

"If the data and facts will reveal that the shareholder is striking at PT TIM, we will calculate it later. Because if I see from the Rp51 billion fund there is a shareholder fund of Rp13 billion. But we will not discuss that later, we will carry it out first at the South Jakarta Court to lead a lawsuit to Central Jakarta (suing the government for collection rights)," he explained.

His party also hopes that there will be a reconciliation step so that if the value of the difference is not calculated at Rp. 51 billion, then he feels that it is not a problem.

“But at least the related obligations are abolished. Even if it is calculated on an interest basis, the government will charge Rp. 35 billion along with the interest, perhaps Rp. 50-60 billion. We will also calculate from the Rp51 billion fund that Bambang Trihatmodjo has invested, how much will it be? It's more than the principal of IDR 35 billion," he said.

For information, PT TIM is a private consortium of partners to organize the 1997 Sea Games. PT TIM itself is owned by PT Perwira Swadayatama represented by Bambang Riyadi Soegomo and PT Suryabina Agung represented by Enggartiasto Lukita. Then, Bambang himself served as the head of the consortium organizing the Sea Games, as well as the President Commissioner at PT TIM but Bambang did not own any shares in PT TIM.

Just a reminder, Indonesia was chosen to host the 1997 Sea Games XIX because Brunei Darussalam withdrew from the sporting event for the ASEAN region. Due to the sudden selection, the government does not have an allocation of funds for administration from the State Budget.

So KMP was formed to seek funding for the Sea Games. The needs are determined by the Kemenpora and KONI who are also involved in the committee for organizing the 1997 Sea Games.

Initially, the funds required were Rp. 70 billion. However, over time, KONI needed an additional IDR 35 billion for the national training center (pelatnas) of Indonesian athletes who would compete in the 1997 Sea Games.

The need for national training was successfully covered by loans from the Ministry of Forestry's reforestation levy funds. The disbursement of the reforestation funds was carried out through the Ministry of State Secretary, and was immediately disbursed by KONI.

After the event, the KMP Sea Games 1997 was audited by the appointed public accountant, namely KPMG Hanadi Sudjendro & Partners. The audit results show that during the implementation, the consortium spent Rp. 156 billion, consisting of Rp. 121 billion for the implementation needs, and Rp. 35 billion for the preparation of the Indonesian contingent.

Thus, from the Rp70 billion of funds collected by the consortium from the sponsors of the Sea Games, and Rp.35 billion from the reforestation fund, there is a shortage of funds of Rp.51 billion.

Inaugurate Law Office

On the same occasion, Hardjuno Wiwoho together with several colleagues inaugurated the law office of Wardhana Wiwoho & Partners in Menteng, Central Jakarta. The chairman of the State Economic and Financial Research Institute (LPEKN) Sasmito Hadinegoro, who was also present at the inauguration of the law office, hoped that the lawyers who were members of Wardhana Wiwoho & Partners could be consistent in carrying out their duties.

Regarding law enforcement in Indonesia, Sasmito assessed that law enforcement in the era of President Joko Widodo was somewhat slack, it could be seen from the performance of the KPK, which began to slacken in its performance.

"During the era of President SBY, we could see that starting from regional heads, politicians, general chairmen of political parties to the president's secretary were also imprisoned. That means there was no intervention whatsoever from the government or even the President," he explained.

He also hopes that the President will remember the mandate of the people not to be selective in law enforcement.

“One more thing, do not allow the law to be intervened by political forces, parties and NGOs. Because it will damage the dignity of the law itself," he concluded.

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