JAKARTA - The Mayor of Surabaya, East Java, Eri Cahyadi targets the achievement of online shopping transactions through the e-Peken application, to reach Rp. 17 billion. From that target, the current value has reached IDR 5 billion in a month.

Eri said that all of this could be realized if all parties worked together. "Without mutual cooperation and if we feel great and perfect, this will not be possible," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

Eri said the various programs that had been carried out by the Surabaya City Government had been regulated and in accordance with the circular letter (SE) of the Minister of Home Affairs that 40 percent of APBD expenditures should be used for MSMEs.

"So, so far what we have done has been supported and is in accordance with the rules, so I have to make sure that the people's economy must run in the city of Surabaya," he said.

In the future, he ensures that he will always focus on helping SMEs in the city of Surabaya. In fact, if there is a shortage, both tempeh and cooking oil and other goods, the city government will immediately step in to intervene.

"The government is obliged to provide intervention and subsidies using its APBD. That is the government's job, to be present in the midst of its people," he said.

Head of Trade Distribution Division, Surabaya Small and Medium Business Cooperatives and Trade Service (Dinkopdag) Devie Afrianto previously said, for a full month in January 2022, the total transaction reached Rp480 million.

"If it is a percentage from January to mid-February, there is an increase of about 500 percent. That is the number of transactions from 5,481 ASN (state civil servants) who shop at grocery stores, which are registered with e-Peken," he said.

Devie explained that in the e-Peken application there were approximately 500 grocery store traders. All of them have been registered and verified by the Dinkopdag Surabaya.

Most of the grocery stores listed on this application sell various basic needs including rice, cooking oil, eggs, sugar and many others.

e-Peken is a mobile-based application that connects grocery stores and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Surabaya with consumers.

This online-based application was launched by the Surabaya City Government on October 31, 2021.

This application makes it easier for grocery stores and MSMEs to expand their marketing reach, while encouraging the development of the people's economy.

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