JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) operates the first substation in the Mangkang area, Semarang, Central Java.

General Manager of PLN Central Java & DIYogyakarta Main Distribution Unit, M. Irwansyah Putra, explained that the Hubung Substation, worth an investment of Rp. 4 billion, acts as a backup that connects the three substations of Randugarut, Krapyak and Kaliwungu.

"With the operation of the substation, it is hoped that it will improve the investment climate in Central Java, especially in the Kendal Region," said Irwansyah, quoted Friday, March 11.

Kendal Industrial Estate is the largest industrial city in Central Java which stands on an area of 2,200 hectares. Currently, the demand for high-voltage customer power supply is 10,380 kVA and is projected to increase to 30,000 kVA in 2023.

With the substation, the supply of electricity to the Kendal Industrial Estate can be more stable and reduce the potential for power shortages.

"Currently, the reserve margin for the PLN UID Central Java & DI Yogyakarta working areas is over 35 percent of the peak load," added Irwansyah.

Irwansyah noted that the current capable power of the Central Java-DIY electricity system is 6,664 MW with a peak load during the day of around 4,200 MW, so there is still a reserve of 2,464 MW.

In addition to encouraging investors to enter the Kendal Industrial Estate, with the operation of the Hubung Substation, the electricity supply for Samator and Asia Pacific Fibers will also have a reliable supply.

Irwansyah added, in addition to operating the Mangkang Hubung Substation, PLN is also optimizing the Krapyak 01 network which will have an impact on increasing supply reliability in the Kendal area and its surroundings in general.

"In the future, it is hoped that the Mangkang Hubung Substation model can be developed and implemented as a backup concept between substation transformers in the PLN UID Central Java & DIY work area," he concluded.

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