JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will soon revise the travel rules for land, rail, sea and plane transportation. This adjustment follows the decision that travel conditions no longer need to use either antigen or PCR test results.
"The Ministry of Transportation will make adjustments as soon as the COVID-19 Task Force makes revisions to the existing provisions, and immediately announces it to the wider community," said Transportation Ministry Spokesperson Adita Irawati, to reporters, Monday, March 7.
According to Adita, the Ministry of Transportation always refers to the Circular of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. Currently, the regulation is not yet in effect, because it must first be stated in a circular letter. Only then can it be applied.
"Until now, regarding domestic and international travel requirements, the Ministry of Transportation always refers to the Circular of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. The rules that apply to date still refer to SE Task Force Number 22 of 2021," she said.
As is known, information on the abolition of the requirements for antigen and PCR tests for train and plane travel is no longer needed, stemming from the results of the Limited Meeting held today, March 7, 2022, which was delivered by the Java-Bali Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Coordinator, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.
Luhut revealed, the abolition of the obligation to show a negative COVID-19 test result for travel and the effective date will be ratified in a circular issued in the future.
"Domestic travelers using air, sea, or land transportation who have carried out a second or complete dose of vaccination no longer need to show evidence of a negative antigen or PCR test. This will be stipulated in a circular letter to be issued by the relevant ministries and institutions that will be published in in the near future," Luhut said in a virtual press conference, Monday, March 7.
Luhut said that the government was easing the travel requirements in order to transition to normal activities. Then, the current pandemic condition also continues to improve.
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