JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has decided to reshuffle the management of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI), both at the directors and commissioners level.

This was done at the company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), which was held in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 1.

In the process of changing this time, the company's three commissioners ended their tenure with honor, namely R Widyo Pramono and Zulnahar Usman who served as Independent Commissioners, and Nicolaus Teguh Budi Haryanto as Commissioners.

"There are also three replacements. First, there are new commissioners Paripurna Poerwoko Sugarda as Independent Commissioner, Agus Riswanto as Independent Commissioner, and Nurmaria Sarosa as Independent Commissioner," said BRI's President Director, Sunarso, in the company's press conference after the AGMS.

As for the change of directors, according to Sunarso, there are two directors who have changed. The first is the Director of Consumer Business, Handayani, whose term of office ends for one term and is re-appointed in the same position for another term of assignment.

While the other is the Director of Digital and Information Technology, Indra Utoyo, who has also ended his term of office for one term. "The position of Director of Digital and Information Technology is now held by Arga M Nugraha," said Sunarso.

With these changes, the following is a complete list of the composition of BRI's board of directors for the next period.

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Kartika Wirjoatmodjo

Deputy President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Rofikoh Rokhim

Commissioner: Rabin Indrajad Hattari

Commissioner: Hadiyanto

Independent Commissioner: Hendrikus Ivo

Independent Commissioner: Dwi Ria Lathifa

Independent Commissioner: Heri Sunaryadi

Independent Commissioner: Plenary Poerwoko Sugarda

Independent Commissioner: Agus Riswanto

Independent Commissioner: Nurmaria Sarosa

Board of Directors

President Director: Sunarso

Deputy President Director: Catur Budi Harto

Micro Business Director: Supari

Small and Medium Business Director: Amam Sukriyanto

Director of Consumer Business: Handayani

Human Capital Director: Agus Winardono

Finance Director: Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno Kumalasari

Director of Digital and Information Technology: Arga M Nugraha

Management Director: Risiko Sudiarto

Wholesale and Institutional Business Director: Agus Nursanto

Network and Service Director: Andrijanto

Compliance Director: Lutfiyanto

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