JAKARTA - PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI) continues to strengthen its sustainability business by utilizing the by-product of the rice mill production. The company's efforts are to build a Rice Husk Fueled Power Plant in Palembang, South Sumatra.

"Through this effort, the company also contributes to environmental preservation, as well as a form of enthusiasm in welcoming the carbon tax era," said Director Buyung Poetra Budiman Susilo quoted Friday, February 25.

The HOKI Rice Husk Power Plant has a capacity of 3 megawatts (MW) of electricity and is one of the first in Indonesia. Not only that, but the producer of the Topi Koki brand also makes a press machine for the by-product of rice husks into pellets at the Subang Factory, West Java.

"These pellets are also sold to cement factories as fuel," said Budiman.

Utilizing other by-products, said Budiman, the company also produces rice bran flour for a mixture of animal feed, fertilizer, and egg mats. These efforts are carried out to take advantage of by-products which are expected to contribute to preserving the environment and improving the company's performance.

Budiman added that the company's efforts to continue to strengthen its sustainability business also contributed to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely clean water & sanitation, sustainable cities & communities, responsible consumption & production, climate action, and protecting ecosystems on land.

Along with its efforts to encourage business sustainability, the company also continues to strive to improve performance, one of which is through its subsidiary PT Hoki Distribution Niaga (HDN). At the end of 2021, HDN has introduced two new products, namely corn rice, and cassava rice.

“The existence of this new product also shows that HOKI not only cares about the environment, it also cares about healthy and quality products. In the future, HOKI will continue to be committed to innovating to make quality products and continue to strengthen sustainable businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," concluded Budiman.

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