JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, expressed an open attitude if the government was prohibited by parliament from optimizing the budget allocation in the 2021 National Economic Recovery (PEN) scheme for the development of the State Capital (IKN). She stated this when she attended a working meeting held by Commission XI of the DPR today.

"Even if the PEN cannot be linked to IKN, that's okay too, the PEN will remain", she said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 19.

According to the Minister of Finance, the government always upholds the principle of accountability in working by the applicable laws and regulations.

"Of course, we will look at the APBN (State Budget) Law as well as the (reference) allocation (budget). If we are going to do some reallocations such as refocusing, there must be a reason and there must be a basis. But it could be seen from the side of the legal basis which is considered to be consistent, I also have no problem", she said.

As 'Plan B', the state treasurer said that the government could still optimize budget allocations in certain ministries which are closely related to development aspects. One that he considers the most likely is through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"Other posts can also be done, such as at the PUPR Ministry. Of course, they can use the existing post with a PUPR allocation of IDR 110 trillion. There, they can reallocate in it", she said.

Just so you know, Sri Mulyani's statement was made in response to a rebuttal given by Member of House of Representatives Commission XI from the Democratic Faction, Marwan Cik Asan, who reminded the government that the PEN funds were actually intended to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“My point is the House of Representatives and we always use tools. Well, these tools are for us to protect Indonesia, and Indonesia's needs are various. But we remain accountable and by (proposed) Mr. Marwan. I am grateful (for the input) that it is still by the law, so there are no problems", said Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

According to data shared by the Minister of Finance, the allocation of the 2021 PEN funds amounted to IDR 455.62 trillion. The figures are then distributed into three main clusters. First, the health cluster of IDR 122.5 trillion.

Second, the social protection cluster or Perlinsos amounting to IDR 154.8 trillion. And the third is the economic strengthening cluster with the amount of IDR 178.3 trillion.

The plan is that in this third cluster the IKN development budget will be inserted as part of efforts to strengthen the economy which is expected to have a positive effect on the national economy.

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