JAKARTA - The top event for the 2021 Top Digital Awards was held in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 21, attended by a number of Heads of Ministries, Institutions/Agencies, Heads of Regional Governments, Mayors, and IT Managers from various companies who attended this event to receive awards.

Several companies and government agencies won the highest awards, including the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkeu) RI, City Government (Pemkot) Tangerang, Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PLN (Persero), PT Pegadaian (Persero), PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), Tbk, PT Aero System Indonesia (Asyst), PT Global Digital Niaga (Blibli.com), PT Jasa Raharja (Persero), PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., and the National Standardization Agency (BSN).

The COVID-19 pandemic still does not dampen the creativity and innovation as well as the enthusiasm of participants, both from companies, organizations, as well as government institutions and institutions in presenting new digital-based innovation solutions.

Such as applications to support new remote work systems (teleworking), smart city applications, e-government, marketing applications, sales, customer service, finance, HR, and others. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation experienced a new leap in various circles of society.

In government institutions, innovation is mainly related to applications to improve e-government or the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) and the implementation of the smart city concept.

As for business actors, digital transformation innovation is also an effort to prepare themselves to enter the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, while increasing competitiveness in the global arena. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced all levels of Indonesian society to transform using digital services.

In his remarks, the Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Johnny G. Plate, which was conveyed by the Director General of Information Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, stated that his party really welcomed this activity.

"The TOP DIGITAL Awards activity organized by ItWorks magazine is very much in line with the policy direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the acceleration of digital transformation to encourage increased implementation and use of digital technology, both in government agencies, business corporations and other institutions. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia strongly supports this activity," he said.

The government, he continued, has also issued Smart City and SPBE policies to encourage increased implementation and use of digital technology in government agencies.

A few days ago, on December 14, 2021, the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia held the SPBE Forum which was attended by representatives of the Head of the Kominfo Service (Diskominfo). This activity aims to strengthen the role of Diskominfo in supporting the realization of smart government through the implementation of SPBE.

In this event, the Movement Towards Smart City 2021 program was also closed, which was filled with awards for regions from cities/districts that were considered to have excelled in initiating smart city programs in their regions.

Given the crucial role of SPBE in improving services to the community, the SPBE Forum is also supported by other ministries such as the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Ministry of PANRB, and Ministry of Finance.

"In 2021, there are as many as 100 (one hundred) cities/regencies that have successfully participated in the implementation of the smart city program in 2021 and 48 cities/regencies located in the National Priority Tourism Areas and the New State Capital Region have succeeded in compiling a smart city master plan. By following this movement, the city/regency already has a smart city-based development master plan that will accelerate the tourism industry as well as improve the living standards of the local community," he said.

In his keynote speech, the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Lieutenant General TNI (ret) Hinsa Siburian delivered by Deputy Head of BSSN Inspector General Pol. Sutanto said that the TOP Digital Awards 2021 with the theme "Accelerating Digital Transformation is Business & Government" in line with the government's vision for the realization of a sovereign and independent Advanced Indonesia, where information technology has an important role in this.

He added that the increasing digital transformation, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, has brought various positive impacts to various aspects of life. Through digital transformation, companies gain a new perspective in managing companies, optimizing company operations, and changing business models more efficiently.

Likewise, in the ranks of government agencies and institutions, digital transformation can improve the performance of public services, both through the development of e-government, SPBE, and smart city applications.

However, he continued, the rapid digital transformation is also a double-edged sword, in addition to providing extraordinary benefits and potential, on the other hand it can also increase the challenges of increasing cyber attacks. This of course must be watched out for, so mitigation is needed by various groups.

"This cyber crime threat must be watched out for. Based on the results of BSSN monitoring, it was recorded that there were 1.4 billion traffic anomalies or cyber attacks on January 1-19 December 2021, with the most anomaly categories namely 61 percent malware, trojan activity, and information leaks. information). The anomaly of the increasing threat of cyber crime is in line with the increase in internet users, who currently ranks 3rd in Asia in Asia with 202 million users," he said.

To anticipate this, he continued, in every institution or institution, a special division or agency is needed that is responsible for handling cyber attacks or data leaks. In order to support Indonesia's digital transformation and E-Government security, BSSN also provides services related to improving information security systems through CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team). BSSN RI is also ready to provide assistance activities for the establishment of CSIRT for Government Organizations and Environments, both central and regional.

The chairman of the jury, Kalamullah Ramli, said that the determination of the winner was carried out in several stages. The method begins with an initial selection of 800 potential participants, to produce the best 200 candidates.

IT experts and the Jury, recommend candidates for companies and government agencies, which are considered successful in terms of implementation and utilization of digital technology. Several supporting data, including the results of the SPBE assessment conducted by the Kemenpan RB, were also taken into consideration in this initial selection.

The category of TOP DIGITAL Implementation winners, grouped into Star Level or Star Level 1-5, according to the business sector and the classification of the institution. The criteria are, first, whether IT governance (Policy, Organization, Implementation of systems and procedures) is good and has been implemented consistently, with continuous improvement.

Second, whether the implementation of digital technology has been successful and its use is integrated in all divisions/work units and has an impact on performance, competitiveness, and customer/community service. Third, is the infrastructure that supports digital technology available in accordance with current needs and can be developed continuously for future needs.

"The winner of a 5-star level award does not mean that the government agency/agencies are at a perfect level. However, in addition to fulfilling the assessment criteria, the Jury added special criteria, namely that there are matters related to the implementation/utilization of digital technology, or there are solutions. business that stands out, or that deserves to be imitated or recommended to other agencies/companies," said Kalamullah Ramli.

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