JAKARTA – The Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) was recorded to have strengthened at the opening of Thursday morning, December 16, 2021. This strengthening was driven by positive sentiment regarding the planned announcement of the Board of Governors' Meeting (RDG) of Bank Indonesia and news from The Federal Reserve.

From the information compiled by the JCI editorial staff, it rose 22.03 points or 0.33 percent to 6.648.38. Meanwhile, foreign investors made a net buy of IDR 8.71 billion.

Meanwhile, the leading stocks that are being targeted by investors today still come from bigcap, namely UNTR, BBCA, BBRI, to TLKM.

"The market tends to wait for the results of Bank Indonesia's announcement and is also watching the plan to increase the Fed's interest rates," said NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Dimas Pratama in his report today.

It is estimated that the reference index of stock movements this time will still move in a conservative range of 6.600 to 6.700

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