JAKARTA – The departure of Abraham Lunggana or Haji Lulung leaves sorrow and memories for those who know him. This is because community leaders in this capital city are considered close to the lower classes and have more concern for others.

This was also expressed by the Promotion Manager of PT Cakrawala Tirta Buana, Hery Supriatna, who is the manager of the Tanah Abang shopping center.

"He is a firm figure, nurturing and a solution to the problems that exist in the Tanah Abang area", he said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 14.

According to Hery, the role of Haji Lulung cannot be replaced by anyone. He considered that the deceased's charismatic demeanor made friends and foes shy towards him. This is what makes Haji Lulung play a central role in the area.

“Mr. Haji Lulung is like a unifying figure because he can maintain and uphold the values contained in the Unity of Indonesia. All groups are embraced so that various ethnic groups, religions, races, groups can be well aligned without any disputes or conflicts", he said.

Therefore, the increase in economic activity in the Tanah Abang area is considered by Hery to be inseparable from the deceased's contribution in encouraging the creation of stability, security, and order.

"He is very dedicated to developing, advancing and maintaining the Tanah Abang area", he said.

As is known, Abraham Lunggana reportedly died today, Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at 10:51 WIB due to the illness he suffered. The deceased had to undergo intensive care for 20 days at Harapan Kita Hospital before finally taking his last breath due to heart failure.

"We as the managers of Block A Tanah Abang really miss his figure. May Allah SWT forgive all his mistakes and mistakes and be given the best place by His side. Amen", concluded Hery.

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