JAKARTA - Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) President Said Iqbal said that he would campaign not to elect Banten Governor Wahidin Halim in the next regional head election. This was in the aftermath of a statement that ordered employers to look for new employees if the employees did not want to receive the wages that had been set by the provincial government (Pemprov).

"Labors will take notes with ink that is constantly wet on their paper that the Governor of Banten, Wahidin Halim, if that's true, we will campaign not to vote for 'Wahidin Halim'," he said at a virtual press conference, Tuesday, December 7.

Iqbal would advise the workers to choose someone else as the regional head of Banten, who would care about his people. He considered the attitude of the Governor of Banten to have low morale.

Moreover, said Iqbal, Banten, and Greater Tangerang are known as cities of a thousand industries. So that the actions of the Governor of Banten are not worthy of being a leader.

"What kind of governor is that? If people are paid IDR 2.5 million, the governor orders people to be paid for violating the law (UU). The morale is very low. Not worthy to be a governor," he said.

Furthermore, according to Iqbal, the low increase in the provincial minimum wage (UMP) is very reasonable to be rejected by the workers.

"If workers hold demonstrations, it is natural and also constitutionally protected by Law No. 21 of 2000 and Law No. 13 of 2003," he said.

Iqbal also questioned Wahidin's attitude, which was considered afraid of the central government. Said Iqbal said Wahidin seemed afraid of losing his position as the number one person in Banten.

"Or just because they are afraid of the central government, why are workers being prosecuted, afraid of losing their people's positions? It's really low morals for a leader, if this is true from the mouth of the Governor of Banten," he said.

Previously, Banten Governor Wahidin Halim asked employers to replace employees who did not want to receive a salary according to the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) set by the provincial government. According to him, there are still many workers who want to be paid between IDR 2.5 million to IDR 4 million per month.

"I told employers, yes, you are looking for new workers, there are still many who are unemployed, who need work, who only earn IDR 2.5 million, IDR 4 million is still a lot," said Wahidin after attending the DIPA handover ceremony to the city/district government, at the Banten Governor's Old Hall/State Building for the Banten Provincial Government, Serang, Monday, December 6.

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