JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gave instructions to the National Police to oversee the course of the G20 presidency in Indonesia. Jokowi wants all the series of events to run well. Because, according to him, this shows the face of Indonesia to the world.

"The second agenda that we also need to oversee is the G20 presidency. This is the face of Indonesia and we are the first developing country to become the head of the G20," he said at the Head of Regional Unity Conference, Friday, December 3.

Jokowi also reminded that the G20 is a global forum in which there are countries with the largest gross domestic product (GDP) and growth domestic product (GDP). Therefore, Indonesia must maintain the honor and trust given to it as the host of the G20 presidency.

"Big gross domestic income. America is there, China is there, Russia is there, France, Germany, Italy, England, Brazil, Australia are there. All big countries are there. Saudi Arabia is there, Korea, Japan is there," he said.

"We are already in it, so we have to really maintain the honor and trust given to our country, Indonesia. So once again, we have to take care of it. Don't let there be the slightest explosion related to our chairmanship at the G20. Yesterday it started, because there are 150 meetings in this G20 activity. Big meetings," he said.

Since December 1, 2021, Indonesia will officially become the G20 Presidency until November 30, 2022, continuing the relay of chairmanship from Italy.

The G20 is a global forum consisting of 19 countries and one European Union. The Forum, which was formed in 1999, accounts for up to 80 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product and 75 percent of world exports.

The G20 Presidency carries the theme Recover Together, Recover Stronger, while the three main topics that will be raised in the G20 Indonesia Presidency are, the World Health System; Economic and Digital Transformation, and Energy Transition.

The series of the 2022 G20 Presidency Meetings amounted to 150 events consisting of Working Groups, Engagement Groups, Deputies/Sherpa, Ministerial, and G20 Summits, and Side Events meetings.

From the economic aspect, several direct benefits that are projected to be achieved by becoming the G20 Presidency, especially physical meetings, include an increase in domestic consumption to Rp1.7 trillion, an increase in national GDP to Rp7.4 trillion, and the involvement of MSMEs and employment of around 33 thousand in various sectors.

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