JAKARTA - President Jokowi announced the cancellation of the individual paid vaccine program after being criticized by various parties. The actual program has not been implemented. How's the history?

Initially, PT Kimia Farma announced plans to open an individual paid vaccination service. This program is included in the Gotong Royong (Mutual Cooperation) vaccination scheme. Eight clinics are set up to serve paid vaccines.

The purchase price of the vaccine is set at IDR 321.660 per dose. This figure is added to the maximum tariff for vaccination services of IDR 117.910 per dose.

The Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, Arya Sinulingga, explained that self-vaccination was carried out to accelerate the target of 70 percent of Indonesian people's immunity.

"This is part of the steps so that vaccinations can be carried out and completed quickly. Our target is to achieve herd immunity", said Arya on Sunday, July 11.

The plan is for individual paid vaccines to start on Monday, July 12, 2021. However, Kimia Farma decided to postpone the opening of paid vaccines due to the high interest of the people who want to be vaccinated.

President Joko Widodo (Instagram/@jokowi)

Criticism from many parties

In the midst of delaying paid vaccines, many parties began to oppose the existence of this program. Starting from members of the House of Representatives (DPR), the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), as well as Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) also criticized it. In an official statement, the Head of the WHO Immunization Program Unit, Dr. Ann Lindstrand, said paid vaccines during a pandemic could create ethical problems and narrow people's access to vaccines.

"It is important that every citizen has equal access to vaccines and any payment can pose ethical and access issues, particularly during a pandemic".

"At the same time, we need vaccine coverage and quantities to reach all those who are most vulnerable", Lindstrand was quoted as saying on the WHO's official website, Thursday, July 15.

Finally, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) canceled the individual paid vaccination program. This was conveyed by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung.

"After receiving input and responses from the public, the President has given strict directions for paid vaccines that are planned to be distributed through Kimia Farma, all of which are canceled and revoked", Pramono said on Friday, July 16.

Pramono said all vaccinations were still carried out using a free mechanism. Meanwhile, the mechanism related to the Gotong Royong vaccination remains through the company. The company that will pay for the vaccination of all employees.

"Thus, the mechanism for all vaccines, whether it is Gotong Royong or those that are currently running, are free of charge with the government", said Pramono.

*Read other information about COVID-19 or read other interesting articles from Diah Ayu Wardani.

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