"Elite, a religious organization that is expected to be able to become a light in the midst of darkness, actually kills its own light by plunging the organization into a puddle of coal," said Firdaus Cahyadi, Indonesia Team Lead Interim 350.org.

A contested statement came after the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) announced that it was accepting the government's offer to manage coal mines.

"Muhammadiyah is ready to accept the mining management (permit) because the main considerations want to realize justice and social welfare for many people," said PP Muhammadiyah General Chair Haedar Nashir during a press conference at Aisyiyah University (Unisa) Yogyakarta, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, Sunday (28/7/2024).

In July, Muhammadiyah reportedly conducted a study related to mining concessions and listened to groups called pros and cons on mines, one of which was input from administrators in the regions.

"This is life, we are faced with reality, political life, economy, culture," added Haedar Nashir.

Muhammadiyah's decision to finally receive a mining concession from the government has drawn criticism. PP Muhammadiyah's Instagram social media account @lensamu was bombarded with criticism.

One of the public's concerns about Muhammadiyah's decision is the impact on the environment, as written by the @gilang_almilda account.

"Let it be left to the experts, the state, the private sector, or even foreign parties. The management of mines given to religious organizations will actually cause new problems. Such as mining problems in general, land grabbing, ecological impacts, environmental impacts, labor selection etc.," he wrote.

Muhammadiyah is the second largest Islamic mass organization (ormas) in Indonesia, right behind Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Based on data compiled by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) in 2019, Muhammadiyah has more than 60 million members spread throughout Indonesia.

Muhammadiyah has various businesses spread throughout Indonesia, ranging from education, universities, orphanages, and hospitals.

Muhammadiyah uses the sun as their symbol. Quoting the page of Muhammadiyah University of Kotabumi, the reason for making the sun a symbol is because Kiai Ahmad Dahlan wants Muhammadiyah to be an organization that sheds light on or sheds light on people's hearts and minds anywhere with true Islamic teachings based on the Qur'an and As-Sunnah.

But the sun symbol that shines on people's hearts and minds has been tarnished, at least after Muhammadiyah finally followed in the footsteps of NU receiving a mining concession.

Head of the Political Studies Division of Natural Resources at the PP Muhammadiyah Institute for Public Wisdom and Policy (LHKP), Wahyu Perdana, said that this attitude has the potential to be a pleasure or a political bribe. That is because in the next five years it is almost certain that there will be no critical votes from the institution for government policies.

Since the turmoil of PP Muhammadiyah leadership wants this institution to follow in the footsteps of NU, Wahyu has objected by making a report entitled PP Muhammadiyah LHKP Policy Paper.

He explained how the receipt of mining business permits could have a severe legal impact on the organization and its leaders.

Environmental risk is also one of the main concerns considering that mining extractive industries often cause environmental damage and environmental disasters. Including potential conflicts and human rights violations. Therefore, he actually hopes that Muhammadiyah will dare to reject mining concession offers.

"So for me this will be a test of integrity. Because if you want to do business whatever context is managed by the organization, you don't have to wait to use government politics. Just follow the existing procedures," said Wahyu Perdana.

After the news that Muhammadiyah finally received a mining management permit, a number of people criticized it. In Yogyakarta, demonstrations were carried out as a form of disappointment with this decision.

According to the Indonesia Team Lead Interim 350.org, Firdaus Cahyadi, it is natural that Muslims and all Indonesians who have an ecological awareness are disappointed with the Muhammadiyah elite because they have chosen to plunge the organization into managing the dirty coal industry.

Instead of coal, Firdaus questioned why Muhammadiyah did not choose to manage solar energy, such as the symbol of its organization.

Muhammadiyah has intelligent cadres. They must know that the coal industry not only causes damage on earth, but also does not have an economic future," said Firdaus in a statement received by VOI.

"International banks no longer want to fund the coal business, several banks in Indonesia have started limiting funding to coal," he continued.

For Firdaus, Muhammadiyah's decision to manage coal mines is ironic. He explained, based on research by the Center of Economic and Law Studies (CELIOS) and 350.org Indonesia, community-based renewable energy was able to reduce poverty to more than 16 million people.

"In terms of employment, there is an opportunity for job opportunities of 96 million people in various sectors not limited to energy, but the manufacturing and trade industry has also been raised," said Firdaus.

"Elite, a religious organization that is expected to be able to become a light in the midst of darkness, actually kills its own light by plunging the organization into a puddle of coal," said Firdaus again.

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