JAKARTA Humans basically need a break or break from their routine, no matter how old they are. According to psychologists, taking a break from your routine can strengthen a person's competence and potential.

The end of the school year is the right time for children and parents to take a vacation. A long vacation is the right moment to bond or bond between parents and children. In addition, vacations can also increase productivity.

According to psychologist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Novi Poespita Candra, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., school holidays play an important role in helping improve children's development.

School vacations are also important to maintain the health condition of children both physically and mentally. According to Novi, holidays are useful and reduce stress and anxiety in children.

"If school children sometimes have exams, for example, there are activities that must be assessed. Well, there is anxiety. But, during holidays, suddenly they can get situations that are not under pressure," he said.

For most schools in Indonesia, school year holidays usually occur twice a year. The first after the end of the teaching and learning process in the first semester, which usually coincides with the Christmas and New Year holidays. The second long holiday occurred after the school year was completed, namely in the middle of the calendar year.

During this holiday, it is used to recharge children who have been drained for approximately one year.

The holiday actually increases productivity. If in the context of small children, toddlers, and also school children, productivity is arguably development, both physical development and mental development," said Novi, quoted by Antara.

Basically every human being, no matter how old it is, it takes a break to break from daily routines.

Holiday time will strengthen all competencies or potentials that a person has. Novi said, doing the same activity continuously makes a person weaker.

"We think that if he goes to school every day, his growth will grow very well. But, if he forgets to take a vacation or rest, it will actually weaken," said Novi.

In fact, even though the holidays have a myriad of benefits for children's development, not a few parents feel unable to provide proper or proper vacation moments. Not without reason, vacations are synonymous with big costs.

Moreover, the end of the school year also means that parents must prepare not a small amount of funds to prepare for the new school year, such as re-registered fees or buying new school supplies.

According to child psychologist, teenager, and Sani Budiant's family, Hermawan, school holidays don't just have to be expensive. He advised parents to make games that are at home or make travel plans according to their abilities.

Because filling a vacation without any activities can completely bore children at home.

"For example, cooking together, watching television together, or watching movies together. The point is, the child's vacation is welcomed together and made planning according to the wishes and interests of the child," said Sani.

"In addition to the psychological aspect of mental health due to happiness, of course, sharpening other aspects of skills for children," he added.

Novi agrees with this opinion. According to him, vacation time can give children the opportunity to build closeness with their families. And, activities that are carried out also do not always have to vacation out of town.

"In fact, the holidays allow them to do activities together even though they don't have to picnic and leave the city. But, for example, they can cook together, or if the children in the village can help their parents garden or farm and raise animals," concluded Novi.

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