JAKARTA Bullying or bullying cases at Binus School International High School are still being discussed. Criminologists call physical and psychological violence allegedly committed by a number of senior students against their juniors as extreme bullying.

This news of bullying that occurred at international schools in the South Tangerang area was first circulated on Monday (19/2/2024). The son of the artist, the son of a former member of the DPR who is also a high-ranking member at a private TV station, and a subsidiary of the official is said to be involved in the bullying.

As of Friday (23/2/2024) only Vincent Rompies, who opened his voice regarding the alleged involvement of his son, Legolas Rompies.

"First, I am very empathetic, about the events or events that occur today and also the hope that there will be no more incidents or incidents like this in the future, either in the school environment or in the nearest environment, all of them will no longer exist," said Vincent Rompies at the South Tangerang Police, Thursday (22/2/2024).

Finding children as perpetrators of bullying is not something that is easy to accept. Feelings of anger and disappointment almost certainly arise when they find out that our child is suspected of being the perpetrator of bullying.

According to clinical psychologist Kasandra Putranto, parents need to accept the fact that children have committed a crime against others and evaluation is something that must be done.

"Don't justify anything that has been done by the child. Collect data about what the child has done and evaluate why this happened," Kasandra told VOI.

"Build closeness with the child and listen to their opinion on what he's done," he added.

Kasandra Putranto explained that one of the reasons why children become bullys is because parents often compare children or do not pay attention to their child's emotional needs.

Until now, it is not known what the motives of the perpetrators were for violence against the victims. According to news circulating on social media, this incident is related to a group or the GT gang to be accepted.

The bullying carried out by GT members is quite concerning. According to the doctor's examination, the victim suffered bruises and burns. He said the victim was beaten with a wooden block and slowed down by cigarettes. Reza Indragiri Amriel, a forensic psychologist, said that the bullying allegedly carried out by dozens of senior high school students at Binus School Serpong was an extreme bullying.

Reza continued, cases of bullying even though the perpetrators were minors could not be tolerated. He suggested that diversion and litigation steps could be carried out simultaneously. Because after all, children still have a future.

"As if we have to choose, imprison children or not imprison children. Whereas in practice in many countries, diversion and litigation can be combined," said Reza.

"For example, children undergo a joint coaching program: from afternoon to morning, children are in child prisons. Then morning to evening, children are expelled from prison and undergoing community-based coaching," he added.

Regarding the punishment for the perpetrators of bullying, member of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Aris Adi Leksono said the education unit could not provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrators. This results in violence such as bullying against children is still happening.

In addition, not all of the human resources involved in the prevention and handling team at school have comprehensive child protection competencies.

"The handling of perpetrators of violence in the new education unit at the enforcement stage of the rules has not yet touched on the recovery and awareness of the impact of negative behavior that can harm others and harm themselves, so that a deterrent effect does not appear for the perpetrators who are sustainable," said Aris, quoting Antara.

Aris added that bullying still often occurs in schools because the education unit still does not understand that apart from the learning function, schools must also carry out the protection function.

"Education, socialization, strengthening the prevention system, and handling of education units are still not optimal. The routine of the curriculum target is only in the achievement of knowledge and skills, but in the realm of attitudes and character, children still have not received serious attention," said Aris.

Bullying almost always has a negative impact on victims, although not all of them. The results of a number of studies show that victims of bullying have serious impacts. Apart from trauma, the victim is also said to be suicide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) survey through the Global School-based Student Health (GSHS) in 2015 showed that 1 in 20 teenagers in Indonesia had a desire to commit suicide. From this data, as many as 20.9 percent had the intention of committing suicide because they had previously been victims of bullying.

In addition, aggressive behavior among adolescents, including violence and bullying, has to do with the increasing risk of mental health disorders of all-life, social functions and poor learning outcomes.

This is in line with the results of research by the 2018 International Student Assessment Program (PISA) which reported that bullying has something to do with lower reading performance.

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