Political observers say the rivalry between presidential candidates may be hot during the presidential candidate debate, but after that the relationship between the contestants should soften. This was conveyed in the midst of heavy sympathy for Prabowo Subianto after last weekend's presidential candidate debate. The number two presidential candidate was severely attacked by his rivals in the presidential candidate debate last weekend.
Since the third debate between the presidential candidates was held on Sunday (7/1/2024), the phenomenon of people crying on social media has continued to emerge. These videos are a form of citizen sympathy for Prabowo because they are considered to have received attacks from Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan. One of the public figures who also expressed his concern after the debate was singer Melly Goeslaw.
Mr. Prabowo, who is patient, sir. The more insulted you are, the more you don't reply, the more you will love you. God willing, "wrote Melly in her upload on the Instagram account @melly_goeslaw.
Before the debate took place, Prabowo Subianto was predicted to bring out his best potential. That's because the presidential candidate debate held at Istora Senayan raised the theme of defense, security, international relations, globalization, and geopoliticals. The theme according to many people is very 'Prabowo'.
However, what happened on the debate stage did not match expectations. Never mind mastering the debate, the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party seems to be the months of two other debate participants, Anies and Ganjar.
But apparently the repeated attacks launched by Anies actually flowed sympathy for Prabowo. The moral support for the Minister of Defense was shown by netizens through uploads on social media. The phenomenon of this crying netizen began to attract attention since Monday (8/1/2024), and with the keyword Netizen Nangis Lihat Pak Prabowo Debat on TikTok, there were hundreds of netizens who uploaded their videos crying.
"This is the first time I have cried when I saw the presidential candidate being attacked, but Pak Prabowo chose to remain silent. Whether to debate or not, Pak Prabowo is still the people's choice," said the account @geegge.
When some people sympathize with what Prabowo experienced in the presidential candidate debate, where he was repeatedly attacked by his political opponents, not a few questioned the attitude of the supporters of the presidential candidate number two. According to some, attacking each other in a debate is a natural thing, so it's too sad just because the champion is not given the opportunity in the debate is an adult attitude.
The attitude of Prabowo's supporters who were sad after watching the presidential candidate debate apparently received the spotlight from comic Arie Kriting. He even compared Prabowo's condition with the number one vice presidential candidate, Muhaimin Iskandar, who did not move on to the vice presidential debate some time ago.
Uiy @abdurarsyad sama @davidnurbianto waktu debat cawapres, terus Cak Imin dihajar sama Cawapres 02, kalian nangisnya sampai jam berapa? 😂Perasaan kalau debat ya gitu. Kochaakkk… 😂 pic.twitter.com/9XhWiWEAQP
— ARIE KRITING (@Arie_Kriting) January 8, 2024
Uiy @abdularsyad and @davidnurbianto during the vice presidential debate, then Cak Imin was beaten by Cawapres 02, what time did you cry? Feels like debate. Kochaakkk... pic.twitter.com/9XhWiWEAQP
Uiiy @abdularsyad and @davidurbianto during the vice presidential debate, then Cak Imin was beaten by Cawapres 02, what time did you cry? The feeling of debate is like that, kochaaakkk," wrote Arie, commenting on Zarry Hendrik's tweet.
Arie Kriting's statement refers to the incident of the Vice Presidential Candidate debate some time ago, when Cak Imin was also seen losing to the Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka several times. One of the moments that seized attention was when Cak Imin could not answer Gibran's question about SGIE. At that time, Cak Imin immediately became the target of society.
However, the General Chairperson of the PKB looks calmer facing blasphemy. Even with his supporters who did not bring feelings (baper) after the champion was questioned during the debate.
After the debate, various comments were made by a number of political experts, one of which was the Executive Director of the Nusantara Institute PolCom SRC, Andriadi Achmad. He said Anies Baswedan's statement at the end of the debate by giving an assessment of 11 out of 100 of Prabowo Subianto's performance was an expression of bullying and insult, and unrealistic.
"We withdraw it in an academic context, the score of 11 out of 100 is E (failed), students who get an E score, namely students who are absent (alpha) more or even always break through college, do not participate in UTS and UAS and do not make assignments," Andriadi told VOI.
"If the score of 11 out of 100 given by Anies Baswedan to Prabowo Subianto as Minister of Defense means a total failure, nothing has been done so far. This is an exaggerated statement," continued the lecturer at FISIP, Al-Azhar University Indonesia.
Andriadi did not deny that the attacking debate was an effective way to kill and silence opponents. But he considered what Anies and Ganjar had done was getting out of the corridor.
"In yesterday's debate, it seemed as if judging and asking Prabowo Subianto to be responsible as Minister of Defense, even though it was not the realm of the presidential candidate debate, it was the authority of the Indonesian House of Representatives to ask for executive accountability," he said.
"One more thing, Anies and Ganjar forget that both are also former executives, namely the Governor of DKI Jakarta and the Governor of Central Java. Do they also need to be held accountable in yesterday's debate? This means that both are outside the corridor," said Andriadi again.
He also emphasized, after the presidential candidate debate in the release of several media that there were no significant changes and even stagnant regarding the electability of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.
Separately, the Executive Director of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, regretted Prabowo Subianto's attitude after the debate. He was not seen shaking hands with Anies Baswedan, so that he concluded that Prabowo was still baper with the former Governor of DKI Jakarta.
Pangi also likens the presidential candidate debate to a football match, where rivalry only lasts for 90 minutes on the pitch. After the match, those who compete remain in good relations.
"Drugs can be harsh, argue data, attack each other, but after the debate, they should get back on track, like playing football, no matter how hard the competition, they run out of action, but still embrace each other again, exchange jerseys at the end of football matches," explained Pangi.
"I think it's a habitus that this model is very unfortunate that it happened, it's not fair and it's not good to show this kind of political joke on the public stage, it doesn't seem classy at all, where are the examples of sovereignty and statesmanship of his leadership?" said Pangi adding.
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