JAKARTA In today's digital era, social media is one of the means of communication. Social media as a means of communication is also used by three 2024 Vice Presidential Candidates, namely Muhaimin Iskandar, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Mahfud MD.

These three vice presidential candidates often communicate with the public or report government activities and programs that are currently running through social media, one of which is platform X, which was previously called Twitter.

Muhaimin Iskandar or who is familiarly called Cak Imin has been using Twitter since June 2023 with the username @cakiminow, while Mahfud MD has been playing since April 2011 with the account name @mohmahfudmd. Gibran has not only been the youngest vice presidential candidate, but has also been most recently active on platform X. President Joko Widodo's eldest son is known to have an account @gibran_tweet which has been active since February 2021.

To find out the developments that occurred in each Cawapres account, Netray Media Monitoring tried to monitor the three X Cawapres social media accounts using the account monitoring feature for a week, namely December 13, 2023.

The account Gibran @gibran_tweet, who is currently the Mayor of Solo, has uploaded 6,500 tweets and has 1.2 million followers until December 19, 2023. One unique thing from Gibran's account is that he only follows one account, namely @Edhie_Baskoro or Baskoro Yudhoyono alias Ibas.

What Gibran has said recently is not far from the promotion of tourist and entertainment venues in Solo. In seven days, Gibran only made four uploads. He invited netizens to visit Solo Safari, Rock in Solo, Solo Art Market, to the launch of the new Kesatria Benggawan Solo basketball team.

The most popular uploads fell to the Rock in Solo event which was successfully held on December 10, 2023 at Vastenburg Fort. The upload, which was written on December 17, won 559 replies, 1,356 likes and was retweeted 230 times, "said a report byNetray.

Through his upload for a week, the X Cawapres social media account Gibran was able to achieve a total of 582 reposts and received 2,104 replies. In addition, netizens turned out to be active in mentioning (mentioning) the @gibran_tweet account 16 thousand times," the report continued.

Gibran's account is also widely mentioned in netizens' uploads. The upload has various intentions, ranging from blasphemy, satire, to opinion towards it. One of the most popular uploads from the @ZulkifliLubis69 account, who questioned Gibran's strengths so that he was elected as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate.

Netizens gave more negative sentiment from the mentions they wrote for Gibran. Observed on 13, 14, 16, 17, and 19 December 2023, more comments with negative sentiment were observed than the ions with positive sentiment.

Katamahasiswa, Indonesia, dan debatasi menjadi kata yang paling disebut warganet ketika menyebut akun medsos X Cawapres Gibran. Hal ini terkait dengan Aliansi Badan Eksekutif Mahasis menuntah Gibran untuk debat melalui unjuk rasa yang dilakukan di depan Balaikota Solo pada Senin (18/12).

Meanwhile, Mahfud MD's account at @mohmahfudmd was monitored for a week only writing two uploads. Until the last day of the monitoring period, Mahfud MD's X account has 21.1 thousand uploads and 4.4 million followers. Unlike Gibran, Mahfud has quite a lot of followers of other accounts, namely as many as 645 accounts.

From existing uploads @mohmahfudmd was able to get hundreds of responses from netizens as many as 822 replies, and 1.1 thousand retweets. Apart from that, @mohmahfudmd was even able to get the mention of other netizens 4.3 thousand times," wrote the Netray report.

Programs, cannabis, prof., so that they are dominated by the top words on Mahfud MD's account. This is related to the accounts supporting Ganjar-Mahfud who echo program plans if they become presidential and vice presidential pairs in the future. The program includes Sakti ID cards which are claimed to be able to overcome social assistance problems that have often been wrongly targeted.

The last account discussed belonged to Cawapres number one Muhaimin Iskandar, @cakiminow. This account is the most active compared to the other two vice presidential candidates. It can be seen from 30 uploads during the monitoring period. Cak Imin is quite diligent in writing more than one upload in a day. And most of it happened on Thursday, December 14, 2023, seven uploads appeared that day.

The most popular post occurred on December 16, through the question of 'Emangnya etik punya ndas ya?' This post reaped 2,621 comments, 15,110lies, and 3,381retweets.

"Through the upload, the @cakiminow account managed to get a massive reaction from netizens in the form of 23.5 thousand retweets and 5,077 replies. In addition, Cak Imin's X Cawapres social media account also received mention from netizens in 7,342 uploads," wrote Netray in his report.

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