JAKARTA - Bali Governor I Wayan Koster said that his party is targeting a reduction in COVID-19 cases to encourage the recovery of the tourism sector and the creative economy in Bali. Moreover, he said, both domestic and foreign tourists have longed to have a vacation on the Island of the Gods.

However, said Wayan, until now Bali has not been able to be visited by foreign tourists as before, due to the uncontrolled COVID-19 situation. This prohibition is contained in the regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights and is still in effect today.

"I have received sufficient information that the longing of the people, both at home and abroad, to go to Bali is now very high," he said in a virtual discussion, Monday, March 1.

Currently, said Wayan, positive cases of COVID-19 in Bali have started to decline. It's just that according to him, it is still in three digits.

"Yesterday it was 200, previously 150 (cases). Hopefully, it can be even lower," he said.

Furthermore, Wayan emphasized that Bali's progress in overcoming the COVID-19 case was getting better. In fact, the current cure rate for COVID-19 patients has almost reached 91 percent from 80 percent previously.

"Usually Bali is better than other regions. The other day it lost to other provinces. That's why we are stepping on it. Now we have achieved a cure of 91 percent. Those who died are also quite under control," he said.

Wayan said that during last year's holiday until January 8, 2021, there were quite a lot of domestic tourists visiting Bali. Despite very strict rules, domestic tourist arrivals reached more than 400 people. Most of these tourists come to Bali by land route.

However, he admitted that after January 8, Bali experienced a quite high increase in cases. It has never even happened in 2020. The increase in cases has exceeded the 540 marks in a day, then in 400 and 300 people.

"It continues to reach three digits which is quite high. That is why we are now focusing with the Bali Province and regencies/cities for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force to carry out more intensive handling in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

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