Winning The Pilkada, Sahrul Gunawan Instead Shares The Story Of Receiving Treatment At The Hospital
Artist and Deputy Regent of Bandung Regency Elected, (Instagram @Sahrulgunawan)

JAKARTA - The Elected Deputy Regent of Bandung Regency, Sahrul Gunawan, shared his story while undergoing treatment at the hospital, shortly after being declared victorious in the 2020 regional head election (Pilkada). However, unfortunately Sahrul did not reveal why he fell ill.

As is well known, Sahrul will soon be appointed Deputy Regent of Bandung Regency to accompany Dadang Supriatna. This pair was declared to win because they got 56.01 percent of the vote.

On December 12, Sahrul expressed his gratitude to the residents of Bandung Regency for giving him and Dadang the trust to lead the area.

"We will guard this trust well. Insyaallah and I and Kang Dadang Supriatna will prove the hope that Bandung Regency residents have long wanted and God willing, we will work as well as possible and to the maximum extent possible according to our common aspirations. Please pray. Right now I am not feeling well, may Allah lift the disease and we are all in good health. Thank you, "said Sahrul.

Sahrul's pale face is a concern. Netizens were busy giving prayers and encouragement for Sahrul to get well soon. In fact, there are those who can't wait for him to lead Bandung Regency.

One of them is an account with the name @ lindadamar56 which wrote his hope that Sahrul will recover soon. "Get healthy soon ... Bandung Regency residents are waiting ... healthy ... and enthusiastic ...," he said, quoted from Instagram Sahrul, Saturday, December 19.

Then, on December 17, Sahrul again uploaded a portrait of himself using an oxygen tube. Sahrul's face was no longer pale.

"Asalamualaikum ... good morning ... You can take a selfie while you are being treated at the hospital, it seems like a sign that you can go home. Really? Allah is always protecting, "he wrote.

Again, this upload attracted the attention of netizens. Not a few encouraged Sahrul. In fact, the artists also participated in giving prayers for him.

However, an account with the name @sumirat_hibar_ti_wetan actually commented on the caption of Sahrul's post. "Sorry you can't go home /// you have to go back to the Bandung regency official house," wrote Sumirat.

As it turned out, the comments made got a reply from Sahrul. "Ready hehe," wrote Sahrul. In his latest post, Sahrul was able to walk and was no longer lying in bed. He chose to sit by the window looking out.

"From a room as small as this, I found myself in a wide area ... your unfulfilled rights, body, soul ... paid off my obligations, O myself ..," he wrote describing the photo he uploaded.

The man who was born in Bogor, May 23, 1975 hopes that the illness he is currently suffering from is an abortion of sins.

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