PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) supplies a pile from the Precast Plant WSBP Karawang for the Toll Road project for the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) Section 3B-2 Segment KKT Karingau-Simpang Tempadung.

Spun pile is a rounded and hollow stake in the middle. It is known, the company supplied this pile to the IKN toll road project since January 2024 by using a barge.

The piles sent amounted to 603 sticks with a diameter of 800 middle and a length of 6 meters, 10 meters and 12 meters.

WSBP Vice President of Corporate Secretary Fandy Dewanto claimed that the WSBP Precast plant has the capability to send its superior precast products to all projects worked on.

"However, this is while still paying attention to the applicable delivery procedures," said Fandy in his official statement, quoted Friday, April 26.

Through product supply to the IKN Section 3B-2 Segment Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung Toll Road, WSBP pocketed a contract value of Rp11.47 billion.

"Until now, WSBP has completed the production of the pile and in April 2024 all products will be completed," he said.

With the construction of the IKN Toll Road Project Section 3B-2 of the KKT Kariagau-Simpang Tempadung Segment, WSBP contributes to supporting and increasing connectivity in the East Kalimantan region in reaching IKN Nusantara.

For your information, WSBP has two Battery Plants to produce Readymix which is also supplied to projects at IKN.

Starting from the IKN Toll Road for the Simpang Tempadung-Bridge Simpang project on Balang Island, the construction of IPAL KIPP IKN, building projects as well as the Coordinating Ministry 3 area and so on.

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